the Brez:
Pisces Horoscope for week of September 18, 2008
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
In a story about author Gore Vidal in The Independent, Archie Bland reports on an event that happened just after Vidal's parents were married. While traveling to their honeymoon, dad told mom, "'There's something very important I want you to know." Mom grew radiantly expectant, imagining he was about to profess his love with a thrilling intensity. But dad had something else in mind. "I have three balls," he confessed. In the coming week, Pisces, I suspect that one of your expectations will meet a fate similar to mom's hope. But don't fret. In the long run, the revelations that come are likely to be more interesting and valuable to you than the "I have three balls" shocker.
Oh, I...oh. Hunh.
Guitar lesson pretty good last night. I have homework. I mean, other than practicing, I have a little worksheet to fill out. I was all, "Do I get a gold star?" and he's like, "Well, I do have them." (He has a children's guitar instruction school as well, so it actually makes sense that he keeps gold stars around.)
Next week I have to remember to tell him about my vacation. Woo, vacation! T-minus 24 days!
Well, haven't had to do this in a while!
"Dying Changes Everything"
Why, yes it does, show, yes it does. Interesting return to form, and a nice way to show them using Cameron and Chase a little bit more. I still enjoy the new fellows more than the old ones, frankly. Glad they cut right to Thirteen's positive test for Huntington's, too. That's going to be interesting. Wonder how long she'll actually stick around second-fiddling it to House? The relationship they stuck between her and the patient was also interesting.
The House/Wilson stuff was good, but the REALLY meaty part came at the end. Damn, Wilson. I mean, also, "About time, Wilson!" Will House benefit from the tough love? Probably not much. Will Wilson leave? Probably not for long. But I love that they took the dialogue to that level, to that place.
Cuddy was pretty awesome, as per usual. And randomly enough, I liked Foreman's and Cameron's moments with Wilson very, very much. We so rarely see Wilson interact with anyone (other than perhaps Cuddy) without House around, and for once it was totally germane for Cameron to talk about her dead husband. They tossed around the dead husband way too much in the first season or so, but for this it made complete sense.
Anyone else out there in LJ-land enjoying Fringe?
I still enjoyed it! I might have even liked this one better than the pilot. I don't really care about the science, I just care about John Noble being crazy. I don't really care about the Pattern, I care about people running around being all intense about it. I don't think I'm holding this to very high expectations but so far I am enjoying it a good deal. What was that thing supposed to be at the end, do you think? Her dead dishonest boyfriend and two others that Massive Dynamic had to "talk" to even though they were dead? Some other possibly-rapidly-aging dudes that that old German guy was hiding in a lab somewhere?