A shot of summer (hopefully the last 90-degree day for a while!)
descended this weekend. It was sticky.
Friday night, tired. Stayed up to try to call Mandy to say hi but she wasn't home. Oops! Went to bed by like 10:30 p.m. It was a long week, and I'm usually tired even on regular weeks...
Got up at 8:30 a.m. though! Admittedly that's 10 hours, but still. I was very excited for the iPhone, which as noted I did not get due to my extreme status as a doofus. But still, I got up, had breakfast, showered, and walked over to the mall. That was when I came face to face with how very grossly hot it was this weekend. Anyway, when that was over I walked home. I chilled out online for a bit when I got home, to let the sweat dry. (Ewgh.) Then I geared up for the rest of my errands, Target, TJ's, Food Lion, the usual. I did call and make a massage appointment for next Saturday (none were available that day). That will be nice to have before the funeral/memorial/thing next week. While out, I also looked around more for a frock for the memorial service, but I had no luck. I think I will probably just wear something I already have. It is really just to be a small quiet Mass with family only. Eventually I got home and got all my stuff put away. I puttered around until
bribro called that he was on his way. Oh, right, I have to cook dinner! Brian is taking care of my cats while I'm on vacation next month, see, and I wanted to make dinner to thank him, and to show him where all the stuff is. Eventually I got dinner made, and we ate it, and it was even pretty tasty. Then I made him go watch Vicky Cristina Barcelona with me at the Old Greenbelt.
It was...well, it was a Woody Allen movie. I knew that going in. There were things to like about it and things that seriously bugged me about it, because every character just talked like Woody Allen all the time, like the whole thing was one long conversation he was having with himself about the nature of human relationships. But it did feature Javier Bardem, who is awesome, so that was pretty cool.
Then we came home, and Brian went home, and I watched part of the SNL with Michael Phelps hosting, but I confess I was barely paying attention. Tidbits were funny. Tidbits weren't.
Eventually I got to sleep around 2 a.m. And woke up before 9. What the? I read in bed for a while but just didn't seem to be falling back to sleep, so I got up. I felt heathen-ish, so I went out to Best Buy and Starbucks and to get a thing or two at the grocery store I'd managed to forget. Then I came home and practiced guitar and lounged around on the couch with Desmond, then I packed up and went to my folks' for dinner. We had a good long talk about Grandma, and the family, and all those various ponderables that come up at times like these. It was very nice, really. And we'll probably do it all over again next week when we have my brother's family around for dinner after the memorial. Amusingly, especially in light of having skipped church that morning, my father asked me to do the readings at the funeral. Okay, I haven't done that in like 20 years, but sure! They showed me the selections for next week and there are no hard-to-pronounce names or anything, so I should be set.
I wound up staying there until like 8:30, so it was going to be kind of late when I got home, so I decided to just go straight home. I put away laundry and scooped the cat box and did all that sort of thing, then went to bed. Woo, exciting!
Not the most thrill-a-minute weekend, but it was very nice. Upcoming things on my schedule (to take a page out of
tzel's book): Next weekend, kind of tied up with the funeral stuff Saturday. Sunday is a totally free day that I have not decided what to do with just yet. I was thinking of the Billy Goat Trail. The following weekend, 9/27-9/28: I'm going to renfest on Saturday, but while I am happy to meet up with people, I cannot offer rides 'cause I'm going right from there to my brother's to celebrate his birthday. On Sunday I would like to go to the Baltimore Comic Con, if anyone's interested. The following weekend, 10/4-10/5, is the Small Press Expo, which I would also like to try to hit on Saturday. And then, OH THEN, is a glorious week of vacation in the Outer Banks. WOO!