Title: When Wise Mechs are Banished -- Interlude -- BOOM
Word Count: 560
Rating: T
Continuity: Movieverse/G1 AU
Characters: Wheeljack, Ratchet, mentions of others
Disclaimer: I wish.
Prompt: Prompt 1:
Mass Effect (Basically, the more mass there is in a chemical reaction, the larger the reaction)
Summary: Prequel to Where Wise Mechs Fear to Tread. A little interlude with Wheeljack.
Previous chapters:
The Dinobots,
The Aerialbots,
Red Alert & Inferno,
It wasn't like they were uncommon. Ever since Wheeljack had been sent to the little Moon Base, explosions happened on a regular basis. They were usually enough to rock the base, though were rarely large enough to do more than melt half of his lab.
This boom, however, was a bit... larger.
Well, more than a bit. It was exponentially larger than any of his previous unintentional booms. It took out the whole science sector, as well as a good chunk of the storage bays that stood between the labs and the residential sector. Smoke filled the hallways of the rest of the base almost instantly, pushed along by the force of the blast. If someone had looked down on the base through the thin atmosphere of the moon, they would have seen only a patch of smoke slowly rising to the stars.
Wheeljack had been the only one in the science sector at the time, which was very fortunate. His frame's mass was almost forty percent armor, versus the usual twenty percent. After his many accidents, he needed it.
At the moment, his usual green, red, and white colors were gone, replaced with charred black and gray. His helm fins flashed rapidly through all the colors of the rainbow as they reset, and he sat up.
“Well. That was... unexpected. What happened, I wonder...?”
The inventor glanced around, finally noting the extent of the damage, and his optics widened. “Um...” he hummed, then activated his comm link. ::... Ratchet?::
::You didn't lose your pedes again, did you? Because, I swear, if you make me reattach those one more time-::
:No, no! My pedes are fine. Um... do you have any idea why an explosion would take out... uh, multiply by five, carry the two... divide by three point seven... twelve times the area I calculated would be even possible, much less likely?::
Ratchet was silent for a moment. Then he growled. ::Wheeljack, what are you saying.::
It wasn't a question.
::Um. The explosion was big. Bigger. Too big. Much, much too big.::
::Is your lab still standing?::
Wheeljack glanced around. ::Well... you always did say my lab was a pit...::
::It's gone. Just... It's completely gone, isn't it.::
::Well, there're still some wires over where the corner would be, if I still had any walls...::
Ratchet just vented. ::Are you injured?::
::Nah, just a little singed. Which is... weird.::
::I'll say. But if you aren't injured, why are you calling me?::
Wheeljack paused. ::Um... To tell you the truth... I don't know?::
His only response was a quiet click and the soft hum of static as Ratchet closed the comm line. Wheeljack simply sat in the ash.
He stayed there, thinking, for a long time. Then his helm fins flashed excitedly and he reopened the comm line with the medic. ::Ratchet! Ratchet! I figured it out?::
::I figured it out! See, the other day, out on patrol, I found this deposit of hydrogen, and I went back later and stored it-::
::And it was in the storage room next to you.::
::Exactly! So, more explosives, bigger explosion. Mass effect!::
::... Right. Well, you'd better explain that to Prowl. He just walked by. He doesn't look happy.::
::Eh heheh...:: Wheeljack chuckled, remembering only then that he had destroyed most of... well, a lot of the base. ::Right...::