Title: When Wise Mechs are Banished -- Dinobots
Word Count: 416
Summary: Prequel to Where Wise Mechs Fear to Tread. How and why the Dinobots were sentenced to base 84G1-07MVE-VR5E.
Rating: T
“Y'know, Ah was jus' thinkin', how'd th' Dinos get here? Ah've pulled all th' records, but... 's like one orn, ya'd never heard of 'em, th' next, they're trampl'in ev'ryone 'n' ev'rthin'.”
“I also wonder,” Prowl said as he sat down next to his bondmate, surprising Bumblebee and Jazz. The base commander did not often stay to drink his ration in the Rec Room. He usually got it then retreated back to his office. “Jazz is correct. There are no files on why the Dinobots were sent here.”
“Because, at the time, nobody really cared about files,” Bumblebee said from his seat across from Jazz. “It was just us minibots here, when the Dinos came. And we weren't really all that meticulous with the records.”
Prowl nodded. “There are very few records of what went on before Sentinel Prime decided to use this base to get rid of his trouble mechs.”
“Makes sense. Like I said, we didn't really care much for reports and records.”
Prowl nodded and took a drink of his energon, while Jazz leaned forward. “Still don't 'splain why th' Dinos' got sent.”
“Jazz, does it really have to be explained to you?” Prowl asked as he set his energon down. “I would think it obvious.”
Prowl raised an optic ridge and looked at the little yellow minibot. “It is not obvious?”
“No, not really. Well, sort of, but not entirely. The Dinobots were really young. Created by some scientist back on Cybertron at the start of the war. He wanted good frontliners. Made their alt modes similar to some kinds of alien life forms. Gave them lots of armor, and rather small processors. He wanted to be able to control them.”
“But 't didn' work that way, did 't?”
“Nope,” Bumblebee agreed, looking thoughtful. “Grimlock... Well, he fancied himself a leader. And while he's not the most peaceful mech, he is rather good at it. He has the right spark. But he wouldn't take orders from someone he didn't respect.”
Prowl nodded. “Yes. I can testify to that.”
Bumblebee smiled. “Yes. I am glad the 'Cons attacked when they did. You got his attention, and respect, when you beat them off. But they were sent here. I don't know why, especially because it was only us minibots here at the time, but... it all worked out in the end.”
“Yes, it did.”