my interests that interest me

May 26, 2011 02:30

so i just edited my interests on my profile cuz i've become interested in quite a few more things since i last updated it so i'm going to share them with you all even if you don't care so :P ( Read more... )

ot4 ftw, spke, clearly i'm awesome, kogan, jm ftw!, jensen ackles, i love my brain, leverage, buffy, btrlicious, supernatural, yay, jared padalecki, j2, yum, btr, bones, christian kane, jared, angel, j2=love, gay is great!, jogan, christian

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Comments 4

squoctobird July 17 2011, 14:56:53 UTC
btrlicious? awesome tag

and I wish we had been friends when Tower Prep was on. I knew NO ONE who watched it.


eviljellybean88 July 17 2011, 15:01:53 UTC
hehe then you'll love that i have a tag called "kendall loves unicorn sneezes" XDD

omg! i LOVED Tower Prep! mostly b/c the guy who played Ian was epically gorgeous, but i also loved the plot and the mystery of it all. i haven't heard news about a 2nd season, but the actor is filming Pretty Little Liars now so that makes my soul very sad that it looks like we won't be getting anymor. plus, he was an underwear model, holy fucksauce! *drools*


squoctobird July 17 2011, 15:05:29 UTC
According to the creator's twitter it's still up in the air... it hasn't been confirmed either way. But at least there wasn't a HUGE cliff hanger at the end. Ian was hawt but I had it bad for Gabe and senior guapo.

I heard David Cade was on Pretty Little Liars also.... I need to check that show out I suppose.


eviljellybean88 July 17 2011, 15:18:26 UTC
well, i really hope we get a 2nd season, but i also heard that cartoon network didn't want to do hour long live action anymore so idk :\ gabe was adorable, but the kind of guy who i wanted to hug forever and say it's ok, i'll feed you cookies and milk and everything will be ok :P but really james and the rest of the boys need to decide to become underwear models already or even speedo models cuz we know they're cut out for it ;P

hmmm, i didn't know that, i'll have see what ep he was in and watch his parts lol that's what i'm doing now for the actor who played Ian (i can't remember his name and am too lazy to go look it up) i don't actually watch the show i just DL the episode and watch his parts XD


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