my interests that interest me

May 26, 2011 02:30

so i just edited my interests on my profile cuz i've become interested in quite a few more things since i last updated it so i'm going to share them with you all even if you don't care so :P

"straight"boys who love to touch each other all the time, angel, arthur/merlin, bacon, being erica, blood, bones, bradley/colin, breaking in, btr, btr ot4, buffy, burn notice, castle, chocolate, chris/steve, christian motherfucking kane, cook/freddie, danno/steve, degrassi, dexter, draco/harry, draco/hermione, gay men, glee, gore, H50, harry potter, j2, james marsters, james/carlos, jared padalecki, jensen ackles, keclan, kendall/james, kurt/sam, kyle xy, leverage, logan/james, logan/kendall, me/tacos, merlin, misfits, puck, puck/kurt, puck/kurt/sam, puck/sam, red meat, rps, sharp objects, sherlock, skins uk s1-s4, slash, spike, steve carlson, sugar, supernatural, the almighty johnsons, tower prep, unnatural history, white collar, wincest, winners and losers, zombies

ot4 ftw, spke, clearly i'm awesome, kogan, jm ftw!, jensen ackles, i love my brain, leverage, buffy, btrlicious, supernatural, yay, jared padalecki, j2, yum, btr, bones, christian kane, jared, angel, j2=love, gay is great!, jogan, christian

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