Title: The Big Blue Box
Fandom: The Monkees/Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: The Monkees, the TARDIS, the Fourth Doctor
evil_little_dogWords: 863
Rating: K+
Summary: There’s a big blue box in the boys’ apartment.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: No, no, no, no, no.
Notes: Written for Fandom_Stocking.
Mike was the first to realize something new had been added to the apartment. )
Comments 21
Well, that's probably the first and only Monkees/Dr. Who crossover in existence.
I liked the bit at the end with Davy. And I only vaguely know who the Monkees are.
And yeah...I know it's like...beyond rare. Actually, yeah, you're probably right about being the first and only.
But it was ridiculously fun to write, at least.
And I also like Doctor Who.
I'm actually kind of surprised to see that someone else had the same tastes at Fandom_Stocking and asked for crossovers. Perhaps not exactly the crossover she wanted, but.
And, HEY! Where did you come from? I've been missing you.
Number 4!! and Peter got to see inside!! and Davy has a reason for being so strange!!!! (the sparkly eyes effect come to mind)
HA! You have NOOO idea how much this amused me. NO idea.
And Davy's British, of course he's a Time Lord. :D
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I liked this! Ah, Four... Well, if you have to be found by the Time Lords, better the Doctor than any of the others...
And Four didn't really find anyone, he just parked the TARDIS in an out of the way place?
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