Welcome to the Anything Goes Valentine Prompt-A-Thon! What is it, you ask? Pretty much what it says on the label! You can prompt any fandom, any pairing, any rating. I'd prefer you not do this anonymously, but other than that, anything goes!
So, what happens after I make a few (dozen) prompts?
You check and see if there are any prompts you can fill. That's what's nice about this, finding someone else who has a cool prompt you want to fill.
How do I fill the prompt?
Any way you think is appropriate. A ficlet, a drawble, a cartoon, a video (that you did or someone else did), a pic spam, you know. Something nifty!
Can I share this with others?
By all means, do. You can even use my banner, if you want, just copy and paste from below:
http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af291/belvederegtx67/Icons/Valentine-1_zpsa5b5d270.jpg" />
What if I have a prompt, but I don't really care what fandom - or original fic characters - fills it?
Where it says "Fandom" you can put "Any", and "Pairing", put "Any", "M/F", "F/F", "M/M", "Threesome", "Surprise me!", you know. Whatever you'd like to see!
Is there a template for prompts?
Yup. Just to make it easy!
Fandom:Pairing:Prompt:Rating: One thing to make it easier, though - only post one prompt per comment.
Now, go forth! Prompt! Fill prompts! Happy Valentine's Day!