
Aug 24, 2010 22:11

Here are some drabbles I wrote for whedonland  and vamp_land . There are so many pairings in here that there MUST be something you'll like. :D Comments make me bounce! *g*

Lots of drabbles (yes, I was too lazy to count them) )

drabble, angel, angel/buffy/spike, btvs, angel/spike, angel/cordelia, faith/wesley, angel/willow, ats, fanfiction, spuffy, darla/spike

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Comments 8

lunaspec_gimmy August 24 2010, 19:17:00 UTC
You've been busy! Love them, especially the Faith/Wesley one.


evangelin1202 August 24 2010, 19:18:43 UTC
I made most of these for whedonland's gift-giving! I was going crazy back then. :D

Thanks, honey! :)


snogged August 24 2010, 20:32:19 UTC
I loved the Willow/Angel one. :)

And the Willow/Oz one was great and angsty too.


evangelin1202 August 24 2010, 20:45:05 UTC
Thank you!!
Happy you liked them. :)


spikesredqueen August 24 2010, 21:26:25 UTC
These were all wonderful! I loved the Willow/Angel one and the Wesley/Faith one! But they were all super!


evangelin1202 August 24 2010, 21:36:19 UTC
Yay! So happy you enjoyed them. Thanks so much! :)


spikesredqueen August 24 2010, 21:37:01 UTC
I have to say that icon makes me smile every time I see it, it's so cute!


evangelin1202 August 24 2010, 21:58:13 UTC
I know, right? I giggle at it like crazy. :D


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