
Aug 24, 2010 22:11

Here are some drabbles I wrote for whedonland  and vamp_land . There are so many pairings in here that there MUST be something you'll like. :D Comments make me bounce! *g*

Title: This one

Characters/Pairings: Angel/Cordy

Rating: G

Word count: 156

“Angel, come ooon! Just give me your opinion.” Cordelia rolled her eyes at the vampire’s lost look.

“Cordy, they are all the same.” Angel sighed.

Why did he have to come? Why did he have to choose? Why? Why?! WHY?! Vampires did not go shopping!

“Well, fine! Then Cordelia doesn’t go out with vampires.” Cordy left all the dresses and walked away without a second glance.

“Huh? Did  I say that out loud?” The shopping assistant gave him a look. “Dammit!”

“Cordy wait! Cordelia!” He could catch up with her anytime but he wanted her to stop.

“What?!”  She did stop and turned around. Furious.

“This one.”  Angel handled her a shopping bag.

Cordelia’s eyes widen in surprise. She took the bag, looked inside and a smile took over her face. She threw her hands around his neck and a  kiss later let him go.

“I love you.”

“You can exchange it.”

“I love you double!”

Title: Fade Away

Characters/Pairings: Angel

Rating: G

Word count: 138

Angel looked around, at those still standing.

Doyle. Darla. Cordelia. Wesley. He had failed them all. And he had to yell at the part telling him that he’d fail the ones standing next to him now too to shut up. To shut the hell up. Because there was no going back. This was it. One last stand. It wasn’t about winning, it was about fighting. And he could feel the fight rising in his blood, the violence, screaming to be let out. Oh, he’d let it out.

He looked at the army of demons coming closer with each passing second. Then at his little army again. Funny. They should’ve seemed small, weak, lost already. They should’ve given him everything but the hope and strength he felt. Angel smiled. Fight they will. To the end. ‘Till they faded away.

Title: His back

Characters/Pairings: Angel/Spike

Rating: PG-13

Word count: 180
For SSS's November theme - Everything Spangel!

As he ran into the battle he didn’t guard his back.

He always did. He always watched his own back. He had friends. Friends he trusted. He fought with them beside him. They were strong, good fighters. He believed in them, he did. But he always watched his back.

He gripped his sword harder and sliced the demon in two. And then another one. And another one. They were falling. So easy. He could concentrate on the fight, on what was in front f him, rather than what was hidden behind him. This time he could.

He was burning. Blood all over him. Dead bodies. Dust. So much dust. Would his dust lay here by the end of the night too? Would there be anyone to pick it up? Would the wind just blow it away?

Swing. Kick. Bunch. Another one down. Watch your back. No, don’t need to. Not this time. He’s got it. He’s got you. Concentrate on the fight.

When Spike turned to dust Angel felt it and at the same time an arrow pierced his back.

Title: Trust Me

Characters/Pairings: Darla/Drusilla/William

Rating: G

Word count: 255

Darla entered the room quietly. She brushed her fingers against the door but left it open as it was. She went to the bed. Slowly, counting her steps. She slid under the covers and grabbed Dru’s waist at the same time she put a hand over her mouth. The brunette’s eyes flew open. Excitement shining through them.

“Shhh.” Darla whispered in Drusilla’s ear. “Dru, be a dear and go find Daddy, yeah?”

Drusilla tried to turn around to face her but Darla held her in place, her hand not leaving the younger’s mouth.

“Don’t be a bad girl now. You know Darla hates that. Go be naughty with Angelus. Ok?”

Drusilla seemed to think about it and then slowly nodded. Darla removed her hands slowly, her eyes not leaving the other vampiress.

“Can’t I play too?”

Darla’s eyes narrowed into slits.

“This is a game for two, Dru.”

Drusilla frowned.

“Tonight it is.”

“But I can play tomorrow?”

“Of course you can, dear.” Darla’s voice was like velvet, she was getting what she wanted.” Trust me.”

She could see it in Dru’s eyes. No trust there. But the brunette nodded anyway.

“Go now.” Whispered Darla and got out of the bed.

Drusilla glanced at the male sleeping next to her and got up with a pout on her lips. She opened her mouth to speak again and Darla hissed. Drusilla whimpered and got out, closing the door. The soft click echoed in the room. Darla got back into the bed and bit William’s shoulder. Hard.

Characters/Pairings: Faith/Wesley

Rating: G

Word count: 128

Wesley had felt pain under Faith’s hands. Sometimes, when he let himself remember, he could still feel the glass cutting into him. He could feel it burning. The pain. The pain became intoxicating after a while but it always had that edge. That dangerous edge that burned and froze you at the same time. It was what separated you from insanity, from falling in love with the pain. But he had forgiven. He had forgiven her long before he forgave himself. Because the bad Slayer had had a bad Watcher. There was no denying it. Would a good Watcher have made a difference? Maybe. They’ll never know.  They didn’t need to know. They weren’t Slayer and Watcher anymore. They had forgiven. And Wesley felt pleasure under Faith’s hands.

Title: Maybe

Characters/Pairings: Fred/Wesley

Rating: G

Word count: 145

Fred put the book back and turned around.

“Wesley!” she yelled when she found the ex-watcher right behind her.

“Oh, my apologies. Didn’t know you weren’t aware I was behind you.”

“Well, you’re sneaky.” It was an accusation but one followed with a smile.

“Why, yes, of course.” Wesley smile gently at the scared girl then frowned a bit.

“Maybe we’ve worked enough for today.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re right.” Fred put her hands behind her back, imitating a perfect school girl.

“Maybe we should go home.” Wesley glanced at the big doors.

“Yeah, maybe we should.” Fred looked at her shoes. They weren’t very pretty shoes. She should go shopping with Cordy soon.

“And maybe we can go to a movie before we go home. Sometime.”

Fred looked up, her eyes filled with uneasiness and excitement at the same time.

“Yeah, maybe sometime we will.”

Title: Five minutes

Characters/Pairings: Angel/Willow

Rating: G

Word count: 113

Willow squeezed Angel’s hand.

“You know” the redhead’s voice trembled a little. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

“Oh, no, the spell was a fine idea. It’s just…the testing.”


They both looked at their feet.

Five minutes later they were still standing in front of Angel’s bedroom, holding hands and not moving.



Five minutes later.

“Maybe we should…”



Five minutes later.

“We can always…”

“No, no, we will! Just…”


Five minutes later.

“It’s a good spell, right?”



Five minutes later.

“Screw it!”

Angel grabbed Willow and carried her through the door.  And he was a very happy and non-evil vampire for the next 5 days.

Title: Not Yet

Characters/Pairings: Oz/Willow

Rating: G

Word count: 100

The hospital didn’t ease their pain. The thought that Cordy was lying in one of the beds here actually chilled them even more. The stillness that the silence bought was unbearable.

Oz took a deep breath and stepped closer to Willow. He was ready. Right now he had to be.

The redhead looked up, her eyes were red and puffy from so much crying and still filled with tears. They widened a little. Hope shining in them, warming, her hand reached out as if to touch his arm. Oz stepped back in the last minute.

He wasn’t ready. Not yet.

Title: She Knew

Characters/Pairings: Tara/Willow

Rating: G

Word count: 1

Willow didn’t remember how it happened exactly. She remembered no pain. She just remembered expecting it and welcoming it. She remembered waiting for this. She had been sure all along. Well, no, not at first, she had done a lot of things wrong. She had made a lot of mistakes. But after a while, after learning more, she knew. She knew and she waited for it. So when she felt the light engulf her, when the warm welcomed her and when she heard Tara’s sweet voice, and felt her gentle touch, she knew she was finally home. She knew she had been right.

Title: Last Place

Characters/Pairings: Anya/Xander

Rating: G

Word count: 196


“Yes, Ahn.”

“How come you haven’t asked me to marry you again?”


Anya turned over so she was facing her lover. She had been back for over an year now and, damn, did coming back from the dead make sex better! She totally understood Buffy now. So the sex was fantastic, even more fantastic than usual. They pretty much lived together even though they both had places of their own. And they went out every night and had tons of fun. So she was kinda expecting…

“Well, Willow turned all normal again. And for her own good married Oz rather than you. Because I tell you, I still have connections in the vengeance world.”


“And Buffy and Spike have this weird “We share EVERTHING” thing going on with Angel.”

“So don’t wanna talk about that.”

“My point is that we should…you know, make a move too.”

“Make a move? Ahn, I-“

“You still don’t wanna merry me?”

“I didn’t think you still wanna merry me.”

“Of course I do! I love you. Now, let’s choose a date before Buffy pulls some weird thing with Spike and Angel and we come in last place.”

Title: Pink Muffin

Characters/Pairings: Buffy/Faith

Rating: G

Word count: 125

Faith lifted an eyebrow.

“What?” whined Buffy.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stuck out her lower lip.

“B. In case you haven’t noticed, you’re a pink muffin.” Faith grinned at the blonde.

“I am not a muffin!”

“You’re all pink and fluffy!” Faith laughed, waving her hands in Buffy’s direction.

“Whatever! I like it.” Buffy let her hands drop to her sides and started swaying her hips gently.

She thought about it for a moment and then slowly bit her lip.Faith followed her every move, her tongue coming out to lick her dry lips.

“Sooo…should I take it?” Asked Buffy with a little smile.

“Whatever, B, I’ll be taking it off of you as soon as I can anyway.”

Title: Food poisoning

Characters/Pairings: Buffy/Spike

Rating: G

Word count: 282

Sumary: Guess who sucks in the kitchen?

Buffy laughed out loud.

“What the hell happened in here?”

“Thanks, Slayer! Your support is just priceless. See if I’ll ever cook for you again.”

Spike stormed out of a kitchen that looked like a bomb had fallen in the middle of it, leaving behind a bewildered Buffy.

Spike heard the soft knock and rolled his eyes. Bint didn’t know how to wait ‘till a man calmed down. He was surprised she had managed to wait a whole hour.


“Can I come in?” he heard Buffy’s equally soft voice.

“If I say no, would you stay out?”

“Not really.”

“Then why the bloody hell are you even asking?!” Spike screamed at the still closed door.

“Because I was trying to be bloody polite!” the Slayer screamed back, making an awful imitation of Spike’s accent at the word “bloody”.

“Slayer, come in so I can scream in your face to never imitate my accent again!”

Buffy stormed in with a plate of chicken wings.

“What the hell is that?” asked the vampire frowning uneasily at the answer he knew he was about to receive.

“This is dinner! And I made it for you! And if you have seen me while I was making it, you would’ve laughed your ass off just like I did when I saw YOU making me dinner. And that’s ‘cause we both suck so much in the kitchen that we should always eat out.”

Buffy frowned at the plate in her hands.

“Now, please, don’t eat this ‘cause I’m not sure, if vampires can get food poisoning.”

At this point Spike did laugh and they did eat out. And, of course, there was sucking in the kitchen later.

Title: Mission

Characters/Pairings: Andrew

Rating: G

Word count: 135

They all thought he saw nothing. They all thought he was just a geek. Well, he was! And he was damn proud of it too.

He knew he had a purpose now. They were all so busy fighting. Fighting The First, fighting each other, fighting themselves, fighting their fears. They didn't know what he knew. The good guys always won. That's why he had failed when he was evil. How stupid of him really. He should've known it back then too. The good guys always, always won. It was like an unwritten rule...or maybe it was written? He would have to ponder that later.

drabble, angel, angel/buffy/spike, btvs, angel/spike, angel/cordelia, faith/wesley, angel/willow, ats, fanfiction, spuffy, darla/spike

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