Title: Master Class
Author: Eurydice
Pairing: Wesley/Willow
Rating: NC17
Summary: Wesley dreams of power. And Willow. And...other stuff.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Which is probably for the better, because I'd probably never let Wesley out of my bed.
Spoilers: Set in BtVS S3
Author's Note: Thank you to
psubrat for the beta, and to
sadbhyl and
mydeira for reading it and
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Comments 20
Hot Damn... and Damn Hot!!!
while some of the subject matter might not be to my particular taste... as a whole, WoW.. quite the story for a cold night.
Nicely done :)
Thank you for reading!
Wes hot, Willow pretty. Brain go melty.
Thank you for reading, hon!
I love the plot as well (I know, it's PWP, but I still think there was a bit of a plot). I like your Wesley, he's nervous and stiff like on the show but that's not all that he is.
And pish. I'm the amateur here. I'm just racing to keep up with you. ;)
Thanks so much for reading, though!
And then there's Rogue Demon Hunter Wesley. And Slit Throat Angry Wesley. And...
OK. I just love Wesley period. :)
Thanks for reading!
Incredibly sensual foray into a different 'ship... *runs for cold shower*
Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for reading. :)
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