Going dairy free

Jul 06, 2021 20:56

With all the stupid crap that's happening in my body right now - inflammation is up, seasonal allergies through the roof - I've decided to try going dairy-free to see if that helps at all. I know the link between dairy and mucus is a myth, but it does increase inflammation if you have a sensitivity to it (which I do but ignore because of how much I ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

kazzy_cee July 7 2021, 06:38:19 UTC
Oh - be careful about cutting out dairy - your body may start to make less lactase (which is what you need to break down lactose) and it can mean you become even more sensitive to lactose than before.


markdickerson July 7 2021, 07:50:05 UTC
Anybody I know that's removed dairy from their diet hasn't regretted it. I had bad acne for a long time and it cleared up almost immediately after removing the dairy.


mobilityparadi July 7 2021, 07:58:24 UTC
Oh - be careful about cutting out dairy - your body may start to make less lactase (which is what you need to break down lactose) and it can mean you become even more sensitive to lactose than before.


teragramm July 7 2021, 12:17:33 UTC
My cholesterol is a little high and I can't take statins. So my alternative is Zetia and diet. I haven't cut out dairy but I have cut it way down. I love cheese and cutting it down was hard, at first, but now it's not so bad. The hardest part will be when my SIL comes over because we usually sit down and enjoy some wine and cheese together. I plan on using hummus as a substitute for the cheese. Good luck!!


debris4spike July 7 2021, 13:54:18 UTC
I know a few people who have found dairy to be a real inflammatory factor ,,, hope things feel better


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