Title: Hello Tomorrow
Author: Tzegha
Song: "Hello Tomorrow"
Artist: Karen O. & Squeak E. Clean
Characters: Carter, Allison
Spoilers: OiaL through Noche De Suenos
Length: 2:40
A/N: Thanks to roseveare and solidfoamsoul.
Summary: "Tomorrow is gone"
imeem YoutubeDownload*
*Regretting my rush to publish, I went and tackled the aspect ratio problem that has been slowly eating away at me. I thought I could live with it. Apparently I can't. Along with some minor tweaking that you probably won't notice or just put it off to a better quality rendering, I fixed the aspect ratio issue and I think I can finally stop blushing from embarrassment. Plus I figured out how to render the vid into a small shareable size with good resolution, and I think the vid reads so much better this way. I may or may not upload a new streaming version, depending on demand and my own laziness.