Ellie's Watching You

Mar 25, 2014 18:13

Author: etherealpenguin
'verse: The Hub
Title: Ellie's Watching You
Rating: G
Warnings: None Applicable
Word Count: 451
Summary: Paying attention to every little thing that Alex's cat does would be exhausting, even if sometimes paying attention might mean keeping herself safer at night.

A/N: Wrote this before anything concrete had been decided about the universe. This helped me to shape how things were going to feel, and to just play around with a few random ideas.

The black cat sat in the open window, despite the early spring chill that leaving it open meant, while Alex stared down at the book she was reading, hopelessly wishing that she could concentrate enough to even manage to process the next paragraph, not to mention turning the page.

It had been a long day, filled with magic lessons - as if she needed anymore, she highly doubted that sort of trauma meant she didn't understand her magic - that grated, meeting with new boarders, and taking care of chores while her sister and sister-in-law were out of town.

It was 11pm, and everyone had finally seemingly settled down. Even Ellie was enjoying sitting in the window, staring out. She'd left the room once, days after Alex had moved in, and tried to leap around on the rooftops and fire escape outside. There hadn't been a strong screen on the window, which had irked Alex to no end. So since then Alex had carefully installed an industrial strength, woven-silver screen.

It kept Ellie in, and the vampires and ghouls who roamed the nearby cemeteries and territories OUT. Frowning and sighing, she set her book down and gave up for the night. Reading just wasn't going to happen. Taking off her glasses, she turned off the light, readying herself for bed.

If she'd have left on her glasses she might have noticed the shifting creature that Ellie had been staring at, just outside the window. Unfortunately for Alex, they were off and she was facing the other way to try to go to sleep.

alex, the hub

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