Blogcrew #3: together with you (closed)

Aug 02, 2008 14:47

Blogcrew Closed

Claim here & Your Name
Gazing up at the sky together
we looked up and saw
a glimpse of heaven.
♥ Love ♥

told me
If love is a labor
I’ll slave to the end.
I won’t cross these streets
until you hold my hand.

It's blogcrew time. Since I'm waiting for the X Games to start...I decided to make two. And you might be wondering why claims only have 5 users today. Well...I asked my friend to pick a number between 1 and 10...and she picked 5. I's a great method. XD

Also...I'm feeling sentimental/emotional/mushy. Hence these quotes. :P

♥ TWO claims per user. (3 for my f-list)
♥ All claims have 5 spots. And my f-list gets anyone they want, even if the claim is full.
♥ General Asian Entertainment claims only.
♥ You can claim only people.
♥ No repeats please. (i.e. Nishikido Ryo etc)
♥ Don't take the code until you are approved please. :D
♥ I'm claiming Nakamaru Yuichi and Kato Shigeaki. They both have an extra spot.
♥ Please put "together" in the subject. Rofl. XD It helps my inbox and you will not your claim late if you don't.
♥ Happy claiming!
♥ Include FULL NAME, band name/solo artist/etc, and country in comment please.
♥ First quote from Rise Against. "Swing Life Away" ^^
♥ A note. I don't listen to Korean or Chinese I have no idea who you're talking about. No abbreviations and make sure you spell the name right, okay? Sweet deal.

told me
If love is a labor
I’ll slave to the end.
I won’t cross these streets
until you hold my hand.">" border="0">
told me
If love is a labor
I’ll slave to the end.
I won’t cross these streets
until you hold my hand.

Claim here & Your Name
Gazing up at the sky together
we looked up and saw
a glimpse of heaven.
♥ Love ♥">" border="0">
Claim here & Your Name
Gazing up at the sky together
we looked up and saw
a glimpse of heaven.
♥ Love ♥


Nakamaru Yuichi (1/6): aprettyeternity
Ueda Tatsuya (3/5): ainekaikan, kokified, fujaya
Akanashi Jin (5/5): jin_no_yume, tenshi_no_koi, murasakimegumi, annatanhe, miichaan23
Kamenashi Kazuya (2/5): memoryofsunday, kiraluvstock
Taguchi Junnosuke (2/5): souper_girl, kiraluvstock
Tanaka Koki (1/5): kokified

Kato Shigeaki (1/6): aprettyeternity
Nishikido Ryo (5/5): memoryofsunday, jackie_82001, aya_midori, honeyshikido, ninja_tech
Tegoshi Yuya (5/5): kasuki, tesshi_08, aya_midori, hontou, sjfg
Yamashita Tomohisa (5/5): memoryofsunday, akariiland, eunixe, jackie_82001, annatanhe
Koyama Keiichiro (2/5): silver881, se7engdragon
Masuda Takahisa (2/5): carcrashheart_8, addicted2asians

Ohno Satoshi (2/5): amethystdream3, jpop_fanatic
Sakurai Sho (1/5): amethystdream3
Ninomiya Kazunari (1/5): carcrashheart_8

Nagase Tomoya (1/5): kazuh

Murakami Shingo (1/5): kazuh

Takaki Yuya (2/5): chibilover14, eunixe
Chinen Yuuri (3/5): jpop_fanatic, tumblingrabbit, ricachan
Yaotome Hikaru (1/5): aiko103
Morimoto Ryutaro (1/5): miichaan23
Nakajima Yuto (2/5): horoeijiren, ain_chan
Yabu Kota (2/5): yabu_yuki, xxyabuxxloverxx
Inoo Kei (1/5): yabu_yuki

Fujigaya Taisuke (1/5): eetsuko

Johnny Jrs
Ikuta Toma (1/5): ninja_tech

Hyde (1/5): dara_rocks

the GazettE
Ruki (2/5): candyxlala, icy_purple
Kai (2/5): zalphene, icy_purple
Uruha (1/5): zalphene
Aoi (1/5): lifeisnyaa

Tsukasa (1/5): veresade

Alice Nine
Nao (1/5): candyxlala
Tora (2/5): yomi_chan, pink_minded
Saga (1/5): pink_minded
Shou (1/5): kissme_deadly_x

Antic Cafe
Miku (2/5): kktsubasa, toranesu
Takuya (1/5): kktsubasa

Abingdon Boys School
Takanori Nishikawa (1/5): takanori_lover

Aiji (2/5): toranesu, gackt_tytta

Takashi Kondo (1/5): veresade

Kamijo Yuuji (1/5): unmei_no_deai

Akiya (1/5): mint_hayaku

Hitsugi (1/5): bayergal


Super Junior
Park Jungsu (1/5): tesshi_08
Lee Donghae (2/5): kumagoro4303,theutopia
Kim Kibum (1/5): kumagoro4303
Lee Hyukjae (3/5): aiko103, pikahyukkie, theutopia
Kim Heechul (4/5): nijie, gackt_tytta, loveee_notes, sugarcandy_x
Hankyung (2/5): gackt_tytta, sjfg
Kim Jongwoon/Yesung (1/5): wildcosmos
Cho Kyuhyun (1/5): ah_kya

Kim Jonghyun (2/5): se7engdragon, contrabandlove
Choi Minho (1/5): addicted2asians

Kim Jaejoong (1/5): sugarcandy_x
Kim Junsu (1/5): contrabandlove


Super Junior M
Zhou Mi (1/5): pikahyukkie

general asian entertainment, two claims

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