I can't believe I'm even talking about this.

May 30, 2007 09:01

I'm only bringing this up because a bunch of people have emailed me or commented to me or questioned me about the whole fandom brou-ha-ha, so here it is:

My lj will remain exactly the same as it ever was until the end of time.

I'm not locking things. I'm not backing things up. I'm not throwing a hissy fit. I'm not running and ducking for cover. I'm not stopping writing about Jared and Jensen (and Chad and Mike and Tom and...) fucking each others brains out. I'm not vowing only to write about Sam and Dean playing checkers and picking daisies for the rest of my life. I'm not doing ANYTHING DIFFERENT, the end.

Because, to be honest, think about it. Think about your actual LIFE. Your family, your friends. I mean, worst case scenario...are the lj police going to ARREST you? Are they going to come KILL you? No. Worst case scenario they *delete your lj oh noes* and I, for one, would probably email a little more, finally clean my living room, read an actual BOOK, and then figure out a different place to write and post my gay porn tomorrow, if that happened.

Because, you know, I love lj and all the people I've met on it, but it's THE PLACE WHERE I KEEP MY FICTIONAL GAY PORN, PEOPLE. And if it goes away - *gasp, horror* - my life will pretty much go on.

As will yours.


All right! So! In much more fun news, in less than eight hours yesterday, ALL *72* spn_harlequin prompts were grabbed! WHOO! And then we opened it for a second round (which I'll get to right now) and yay. HARLEQUIN FIC WHOO!

Finally, snagged from missyjack, SPN S2 dvd extras!

S2 DVDs will contain:

- Commentary on "In My Time of Dying" by Executive Producer/Director, Kim Manners, Jared Padalecki ("Sam") and Jensen Ackles ("Dean")
- Commentary on "All Hell Breaks Loose" part I by Creator/Executive Producer Eric Kripke and Executive Producer/Director Robert Singer.
-The Devil's Road Map - An in depth look at the Urban Legends which inspired the series creator.
- Script to Screen: All Hell Breaks Loose part II - Season Finale - following one episode from concept to creation.
- Gag Reel
- Unaired scenes
- Jared Padalecki's Original Screen Test
- DVD-ROM enabled to link to special website content

Guys, I am SO EXCITED about the IMTOD commentary I cant even explain it. I cannot WAIT to hear what the three of them have to say about it. Even more than the finale commentary, I just - IMTOD! The OUIJA BOARD SCENE! Sam crying when he thinks Dean is dying! Finding John's body! Oh, BOYS! *draws hearts*

And Jared's screen test! You so know it was like, Eric: "Now, Jared. Sam is very intense. He's broody and mopey and--" Jared: "PIE AND ICE CREAM *\o/*"

Now. I'm going to go write more kissing snippets today, and then post them on my lj and at boykissing_fic. YAY WEDNESDAY!
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