*claps and claps*

May 29, 2007 14:40

When I saw my prompt today, my brain IMMEDIATELY did this:

The Man Tamer

There's not a man Jared Padalecki can't tame. Or at least transform from a sloppy, sports-loving, self-absorbed male into the perfect mate. Then he meets Jensen Ackles, aka The Wild Man. Talk about a challenge-in a gorgeous package, no less. Can Jared's behavior-modification techniques take on a guy this set in his rumpled-and surprisingly irresistible-ways? Jared's hormones, er, ambitions, are jumping at the chance.

If he succeeds in domesticating Jensen, he gets his own TV show. If he fails... Well, failure isn't an option. Sure, Jensen's more resistant than he expected. And withholding pleasure as punishment affects Jared so much, he's abandoned that strategy. But Jared's determined one of them is going to their knees. He just hopes it isn't him!

Which is just another way of saying:

spn_harlequin prompts are open and going fast! Go get yours asap!!

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