a season of supernatural - no spoilers for finale whatsoever

May 04, 2006 09:21

First though, can I just spread the word in case anyone fucking MISSED this, that astolat has posted a TWENTY THOUSAND WORD SMALLVILLE FIC.

*kicks feet like a little girl*

TWENTY THOUSAND WORDS OF CLEX. Futurefic. By astolat. Holy fuck. Is it Christmas? Here's the link: Ulterior Motives. Now go read!


Now. All right people. Holy shit. Just. It is the FINALE tonight, yeah? I mean. A full season of SPN under our belts. Twenty-two episodes. Countless squees and guhs and flails.

Dean and Sam and Papa and Jensen and Jared and Jeff. Demons and plot arcs and the Impala. Classic rock. Dean with a towel on his head. Random pranks. Shapeshifters and vampires and tulpas. SHIRTLESS SAM. Bugs and planes. Sam getting visions and Dean almost dying. Jess and Meg and Layla and Sarah. Missouri and the house in Lawrence. DEAN'S LITTLE WOOBIE FACE.

Did I mention SHIRTLESS SAM YET? oh. I did? uhm. Well. How about DEAN'S LITTLE FACE.

oh. I did that too.

Anyway! I was checking back in my entries to see if there was any indication when this show started that I'd be this crazycakes invested in it by the finale, and this was what I found. Please note the TIME of that post. It was posted FOUR MINUTES after the pilot ended, so yeah. I think maybe I should have had a clue? But. You know. Sometimes it takes me a while *g*

And I was good, for a bit. I mean, I wrote one little fic after the pilot, but that was it, really, until after the new year. I think the break between Asylum and Scarecrow really got me all riled up, and that, coupled with my INSANE OBSESSION of rpsing jared and jensen, really kinda gave me that last teeny shove I needed to be sent flailing over the edge.

I havent regretted it for a minute.

I'm so happy to have met so many people from this fandom. SPN fandom ROCKS, yo, and I think, when you have such a great show and such awesomeness to work with, it only makes sense that the fans would be just as fucking cool and awesome, but holy jesus. SPN fandom is like, above and BEYOND cool. We all rock SO HARD, and I'm happy and lucky and thankful to this show every day for bringing such cool people into my life.

So. There's your season1 wrapup from me on Finale Day. If you feel like dropping in to say what you love most about SPN, feel free to do it here. Pass it around. Let's get the love going and celebrate our show and our boys and our fandom, all right? (PLEASE GOD NO SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS THANK YOU!!)

Tell me your favorite episode, favorite scene, favorite bit of dialogue. What you love most and why. It's ALL ABOUT THE LOVE, BABY. We have WINCHESTERS. We WIN!
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