Sunday, February 7th, day 252
Wee hours of the morning
Whitechapel inn, upstairs
This is why I hate weekends. I’m told that people in other lines of work actually enjoy them, use them to go out and generally have the good time they can’t other nights, when they have to get up and work in the morning. The difficulty I have with this is that the places
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I roll over on my side so I’m facing him, trying to look at his face and not the rest of him. Really trying not to think about next time and how he might made me work for it. My shoulder twinges as I turn, and it occurs to me that he might want something from me to remember the night, too. “Should ask, because my eyes aren’t staying open much longer, nice as the view is: anything you’d like done right now? Or questions answered? Can’t promise to tell you everything, but I won’t lie to you.”
"How long did it take, the mark on your back?" I ask finally.
"Not for me. There's nothing I want so bad as to keep with me all the time." That's the truth too. There's little I would keep with me.
"No cause to worry," I reassure him. "I don't expect you to tie yourself up, or to make promises. It's not what I'm after." I hope that I'm saying things right, because I've not ever really had this conversation before.
"Hah," I yawn. "Better stick to that plan. Otherwise you'll suddenly decide Excolo has need of fine cheese and start buying cows one day. Town does that to people." It does and that's probably why I'm still here. The dark weighs on my eyes and I feel bone tired like I do in the middle of summer.
I can feel him relaxing at my back, and if I lean into him to soak up the heat, well, the bed’s not overly large for two men. It’s been a long night, none of it bad, and the end of it very good. Didn’t expect this from the man sitting at the end of my bar looking cold. He’s not cold at all now. Could do with more nights ending this way. Hope this works out, our arrangement, that no hard feelings come of it. God knows everyone has their troubles, some worse than others. But here we are, warm in this night. Not a bad thing at all.
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