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Comments 7

miss_morland August 8 2009, 22:00:11 UTC
I'm with you on the Forster recs; they're both great.

Have you read this? http://yuletidetreasure.org/archive/71/carpediem.html


espresso_addict August 9 2009, 17:27:12 UTC
I haven't read much (any?) Forster fanfiction before -- I got inspired by re-watching the Merchant Ivory film of Maurice on holiday last month. Your recs for crack_van came by at just the right time! I did also enjoy 'Carpe Diem', even though I'm one of those cynics who believes that war only rarely brings out the good qualities in people.


ithilwen August 11 2009, 15:30:07 UTC
Thanks for the Silmarillion rec; I would never have found that one!


espresso_addict August 11 2009, 16:12:09 UTC
I'm not sure why yuletide allows Silmarillion as it plainly breaks the small-fandom criteria, but we can rejoice that it does! There's another good Silmfic in this crop that I came close to recommending but didn't quite make the final mix, if you're interested -- Bright Are the Stars Upon the Margin of the World, by Kenaz. I'm certainly going to check out her other writings when I get a moment.


ithilwen August 12 2009, 14:02:52 UTC
Thanks - I've read a few of Kenaz's pieces, so I'll certainly check this one out as well.

(I guess Silmarillion fandom qualifies as small in comparison to LOTR or Harry Potter, but it's certainly nowhere near as small as the other fandoms participating in Yuletide. You're right, it's odd!)


espresso_addict August 13 2009, 14:44:15 UTC
I think the moderators factor in the current activity of the fandom in some cases, not just the total number of stories online.


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