Close your eyes?

Feb 25, 2006 03:25

I wasn't going to write anything about Close My Eyes (which I rented in my Rickman retro), but then I realised that it's actually on tomorrow (Sunday) in the BBC4 Stephen Poliakoff season (aka puff for his latest, Gideon's Daughter, also on Sunday). ( Brief rant under the cut )

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Comments 30

executrix February 25 2006, 06:32:56 UTC
I hated it, but I don't know if I'd consider it competition-class.


espresso_addict February 25 2006, 12:24:44 UTC
Poliakoff is a bit Emperor's New Clothes Class.


communicator February 25 2006, 08:13:35 UTC
I don't like Poliakoff much. I think he trots through the Big Ideas in a predictable way. God what a wanky snob I am.


espresso_addict February 25 2006, 12:28:06 UTC
Poliakoff was interviewed on the extras saying that he always started writing from a character, in this case the brother, but it's hard to believe when his characters seem to fit the issues mould so tightly.


altariel February 25 2006, 09:30:18 UTC
Am Poliakoff-averse, for no good reason based on, say, having watched any of his stuff. What did you hate about The Line of Beauty (which I thought was brilliant)?


espresso_addict February 25 2006, 12:36:01 UTC
What did you hate about The Line of Beauty (which I thought was brilliant)?

It's more a case of what didn't I? It was an instinctive repulsion rather than anything reasoned; it took me four days to read because I had to force myself to keep going, though I usually enjoy Hollinghurst. I wonder if Nick at the beginning came rather too close to self-identification without being empathetic? Why did you think it brilliant?


altariel February 27 2006, 10:05:25 UTC
I thought it was magnificently written, both the language and the pace of the unfolding of the tragedy. I thought the moment when 'The Lady' finally arrived at the house was one of the funniest things I've read in ages. I thought it nailed hypocrisies about class and sex, and the seductiveness of power.


espresso_addict February 27 2006, 14:42:06 UTC
The set piece round the lady arriving was one of the high points; I also liked the tea with the council worker's mother, and especially the contrast between the two. I ought to try it again when I'm feeling a bit more awake. I read it back to back with American Gods & HBP, and shocked myself by liking HBP much the best of the three.


gair February 25 2006, 09:54:45 UTC
< i>Rickman does his usual irresistible smoulder routine, which -- as he's the cuckolded husband -- just makes the plot even less believable than it might otherwise have been

I can think of a few Rickman films that this applies to - it's very difficult to believe in people throwing him over for someone else while actually watching the film's whole shape warp around his smouldery presence.


espresso_addict February 25 2006, 12:41:27 UTC
Indeed! There's some reviews of CME online where Rickman's part is described as small and/or his clothes are described as icky, so perhaps not everyone warps to the Rickman axis?


Er, spoiler kalypso_v February 25 2006, 11:03:33 UTC
Funnily enough I was just thinking about Close My Eyes... I seem to remember I rather enjoyed it, but I think that's partly because I have a slight thing about incest, and mainly because Alan Rickman was so hot. Oh, and I like Polesden Lacey, where they had the fight scene.


Re: Er, spoiler espresso_addict February 25 2006, 12:49:26 UTC
I get the impression from skimming online comments that the incest is meant to be this big squicky thing handled sensitively -- which, coming at it from the perspective of a fanfiction reader, just doesn't scan.

Polesden Lacey was indeed very pretty; the thing I liked best (apart from all the Rickman scenes) was the golden sunshine, but that's largely because 1990 is one of the few years with sunny personal memories.


Re: Er, spoiler kalypso_v February 25 2006, 13:15:53 UTC
Have to say I'd rather have Rickman as my brother than Owen.


Re: Er, spoiler espresso_addict February 25 2006, 13:23:29 UTC
The actors or the characters?


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