Been a little

Oct 25, 2021 19:24

Wow, it's been over a month ( Read more... )

pets, gaming, pictures, books

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Comments 7

_zox_ October 25 2021, 23:29:56 UTC
Yeah, I think game puzzles are bad when I constantly have to look up walkthroughs on the internet to solve. I don't mind one or two hints. But when it's constant and the solution obscure and illogical, then it's rage quit time.


ertai October 25 2021, 23:34:39 UTC
To me, the best indicator is how you feel when you learn the solution. It's a good puzzle when you're like "oooohhhhh, that makes sense"; it's a bad puzzle when you're like "really? what the hell/that was dumb".


bow_mcarrow October 28 2021, 02:19:28 UTC
My vote's for KOTOR 2 next!
Alfie's adorable, love how dog's personalities change as soon as they can smell food haha


ertai October 28 2021, 23:08:18 UTC
I will take your suggestion and go with KOTOR 2!

Now am I light, dark, or mix? Melee, magic, both. I'll have a few decisions to make shortly. The fun of building your own character.


bow_mcarrow October 28 2021, 23:32:17 UTC
On my first playthrough of everything I always go light, but I have more fun gameplay wise as dark, force lightning was so just so OP if I recall and I don't think you can get it if you go light?


zadok_allen October 28 2021, 02:54:32 UTC
I felt exactly the same about Ringworld, especially since it's frequently marked as a "must read" sci-fi. I picked it up at a time when I was playing a lot of Halo, so maybe I was expecting a bit more awe, mystery, and spectacle. Have a look at "Lucifer's Hammer" if you haven't already - the science is a bit harder, and it's one of my fav post-apoc novels.


ertai October 28 2021, 23:13:33 UTC
I'll give it a shot. And I just added it to my list.

Right now, I kind of feel that "Ringworld" is a lesser "Rendezvous with Rama". Some exploration, some mystery, open ended, but I liked "Rendezvous with Rama" much better.


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