Mom didn't get that the cable box/DVR clock changes on its own, so she thought it was 7am, when it was really 6am.
On the down side: IT WAS FIVE AM
On the up side: Sleuth has MacGyver, so I got to watch the first half of 'MacGyverland' before the infomercials made me give up and move back to my room and the computer.
koslorollo asked for SPAM
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Comments 8
My sister H bought a guitar for my sister's S birthday. The guitar was marked 100, but she said she only had 60 (which she did) and the guy gave it to her.
If you go acoustic I can scan you the cords that she's learning.
I might go down to the music store in town and look around, for the sake of looking assuming I can get myself motivated to do anything
Tin Man!Adora! WOOT!
Oops...I lost track of what I was saying up top...the next time you come down, take a look at it and if you like it, it's yours.
True story. *facepalm*
Also, have you seen the not-a-pop-up-CSI adventure? I was laughing so hard yesterday at the bookstore...
True story.
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