Mom didn't get that the cable box/DVR clock changes on its own, so she thought it was 7am, when it was really 6am.
On the down side: IT WAS FIVE AM
On the up side: Sleuth has MacGyver, so I got to watch the first half of 'MacGyverland' before the infomercials made me give up and move back to my room and the computer.
koslorollo asked for SPAM yesterday, so here goes:
Apparently the fog in Chicago was enough to ground all flights until 9am yesterday, so the airline offered folks the option of waiting it out or trading their tickets for a seat on a charter bus. Dad chose the bus. The story the brother told about his conversation with Dad is hilarious, but better when coming from him.
Anyway, Dad got to Green Bay, and was picked up, as planned. Talked to him for a minute yesterday at Taco Bell - he was waiting to meet the president of the company. Haven't heard anything else, and I can't get Mom to understand that, other than talking to him when I left the house last Friday morning, I hadn't spoken to him until the phone call yesterday. *eyeroll*
Yesterday, I was at Sears and K-Mart, trying to help Mom find shoes. It was a failed mission. But she did find a book at Books-a-Million, so it wasn't a total loss. We finally got down to EPCOT to learn the the brother left his ID in his work shorts, but was still able to get in with his Maingate. We headed straight over to the stage and walked right in. Go timing!
The brother had never seen PR&tR before, but knew Indian Reservation. Judging by his laughter throughout, I'd say he had a good time. Paul Revere is a GOOB, but we love him.
This video is from last year, but the show stays the same mostly, and this is one of my favorite songs:
Click to view
Afterwards, we circled EPCOT and the brother and I awed at the tequila bar now inside the Mexico pavillion, then we headed back around to go to ESPN to watch the KSU-KU game. The line was, as the brother says, RIDONKULUS, so we headed for BDubs, instead.
Can I just say: WORST TRAFFIC EVER. All day, in fact. o.O
I was so freakin' tired by the time we left - I honestly thought I might fall asleep on the drive back home. Why did I move an hour north of where I was, again? *facepalm* Damn near got run off the road last night by a schmuck in a stupid sportscar, too. That was awesome. NOT.
When I was preparing to move, I gave a look. Wasn't expecting much, simply because I'd pretty much settled on the place I'm at the first time I saw it under the assumption that if I ever had to move closer to work, it was the place Well, does a thing where they'll send you $100 if you rent from a place you found through them.
Well, I didn't, but the place was on the site, so I signed up for the sake of "What the hell!" After I moved, I got an email from, asking if I'd found a place or was still looking. Checked the box that I'd picked the place I did, and got another email saying that after verifying the lease, they'd send $100.
Damned if they didn't send me $100. o.O
Anyway, I told you that story to tell you this story: ...they call me Tater Salad For the last few months, I've wanted to get a guitar. Not only get one, but actually learn how to play it. Now, I'm not looking to join a band or anything, but I just want to. I couldn't do trumpet, drums were a fail and I don't imagine I'll ever be able to pick up the piano.
I have no knowledge of musical instruments, to be COMPLETELY honest. I've looked at the various guitar books at Books-a-Million (went through HALF of Guitar for Dummies, Version 2 yesterday) and read about them online. This one says take a friend who knows guitars, that one says avoid the "kits" at WalMart, etc.
I'm not looking to go Wayne Campbell, mind you. I just want something simple that won't cost a lot, in case it doesn't take. Either way, I'd have a guitar, and that'd be pretty damn epic! and would look really cool next to my slot machine that gets no use. EVER. Target has an acoustic kit, and an electric kit. Both are relatively in my price range and by FENDER. Hello? Why would Fender market a kit that is crap?
Anyway... one of the books I was looking at yesterday said that if you want to go rock, you should go electric to start; less rock, go acoustic. I've also heard that acoustic is easier to learn with. There's a ton of "cheat cards" and music books out there - and I have three or four songs I'd love to be able to play (Home on the Range, people. How hard can that be?)
On the other hand... that $100 is almost a quarter of a laptop.
And, now for a PSA-rant: Why did you bother making an icontest if you had no intention of doing anything with it? EVER? This is directed entirely to whoever was behind
labyrinthstills, which I noticed had been deleted the other day. Not to mention another comm I rather enjoyed. Why drop it, mods? Offer it up to someone else, at least. No takers? Then delete it. SIRIUSLY. *GrrArgh*
It was bad enough that the submissions post was never screened. The voting did manage to go up, but that was the last of it. And without so much as a "Screw you, hippy!"?? Bad form, dude. BAD FORM.
On that note, I can finally post my entries. So there's that. In fact, I'm going to go off-script and post them here. Right now.
So take that! :p
Wow.. longest entry EVER, I do think. o.O
Today's plans:
+ Tin Man!Adora
+ fireman!fic
+ Guardian!fic
+ finish icons for
prompt_in_a_box wrap-ups
tm_challenge prep
+ go back to bed (Or not.)
+ resign self to knowing cough will never go away
+ lose 90% of day to stupid $*^)*@ Facebook games
+ eat something
+ get the brother's BERFDAY present
+ pay phone and cable
This list is, of course, subject to change. *sigh*
Lastly: (with my thanks)
+ Fanfic voting at
tm_challenge [
+ Icon voting at
tm_challenge [
+ Fanmix voting at
tm_challenge [
+ Icon voting at
woz_stills [