Torchwood finale

Jan 02, 2007 22:32

As soon as back-from-dead-Jack said he forgave Owen, all I could think was "Jack Harkness - like Jesus in a way".

I've had my ups and downs with Torchwood. I loved the potential, but often felt let down by the execution. But not tonight. I loved both episodes. (Though I must admit to hiding behind a pillow during the Jack/Jack dance - it was gorgeous, but dudes, it was in public in 1941!!! Couldn't they have had a beautiful moment somewhere more private? My embarrassment squick is so random and annoying at times.)

Do you know what's kept me going, even when I was annoyed by every other character? Jack. The character. The mystery of Jack's past, both recent and pre-Doctor. Pondering just how much angst the writers could pile onto one character without actually surgically grafting Duncan MacLeod and Angel to him.

I'm glad that a little of Jack's secrets are out in the open to the team. Ianto and Owen know a little, and both Gwen and Tosh each know stuff that no one else does (I'm assuming they didn't blab during the death-watch?). Still disliking Gwen a fair bit, so didn't like her getting to be the Prince Charming to wake Sleeping Jack. But I theorised that he woke up cause she hadn't showered in days (and Torchwood people, if it's been days and he isn't smelly, perhaps that's a sign that you don't need to be so quick to shove him in a box?)

The opening the rift didn't go where I expected it - I thought since the things that came through the rift were going back, that Jack might be in danger of being pulled back to somewhere. But I loved that Ianto was spot onto the truth with his quoting from doomsday works, hah! Hey, and he was right about the dancehall being a trap and Bilious being behind it. Why is Ianto the teaboy and not a full agent? I don't understand this workplace. And why can't he dress like he did in 1x12 (loved the mulberry!) all the time?

Gwen doesn't deserve Rhys, but I'm damn glad he's not dead. Also, why did I notice during tonight's episodes that Owen and Gwen only differ by one letter? I'm not sure I'm more bothered that I actually noted it as it were significant, or that I didn't consciously notice it before.

Are we going to get any explanation for how Jack and Ianto got from "Cyberwoman" to watch-related sexual shennagigans to Ianto saying Jack need's him (and Owen insulting Ianto by claiming he only dreams of shagging Jack) to sniffing of coats and kissing (which totally wasn't long enough)? Or is it a challenge from the writers to fandom?

The next time someone bitches about spoilerphobes and that we just need to 'get over it' if we are spoiled for something, I'm going to beat them to death with the final three minutes of "End of Days". This is pretty much a perfect example of why I love being unspoiled and how much it improves the viewing of shows for me.

I was already making audible noises of some sort when Jack said "the right kind of doctor". Then the hand started moving, and I got louder (and I was thinking "they're gonna leave us dangling for months with the idea of the Doctor being nearby, and not knowing what happens"), and then when we could hear the Tardis and the smile on Jack's face...I squealed (or maybe shrieked). Out loud. Possibly quite loudly. There may have been gasping. My mother, rather annoyed, called down from upstairs to inquire why there was screaming (but I wouldn't classify it as screaming, not really). I was almost teary-eyed when the episode ended. WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG FOR NEW WHO OR TORCHWOOD? Between the Christmas special of Who and the ending of Torchwood - I NEED MORE NOW! And possibly a cigarette.

And somehow, I need to go to bed now and get some sleep. Work was pretty fucking busy today, and it's only gonna get worse. By next Monday, it'll seriously qualify as insane. So many phonecalls...
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