I still think about him, the doctor. I shouldn't. I thought I wasn't. Now I just let it come as often as I want without fighting it off -- because what's the harm in thinking about something that has 0 chance of ever happening. It scares me though. I worry for myself. I think about him -- I think -- as a way of holding onto this very, very
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It snowed this morning in New Orleans for a good long while. I woke up with Chris and he convinced me to take the morning off work. Which was perfect. We went out to breakfast at my favorite diner in the snow after a night of tapas and my favorite local band playing at Mimi's, the place we met
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I'm going camping tomorrow morning. I do not miss the doctor anymore. I'm missing my dad a lot recently -- a lot. Journalist and I are carpooling back to Houston for Thanksgiving (we're both from there). I am content but scared of becoming complacent.
"I cannot begin to detail the apt and lovely devices by which Bergman conveys this excursion into a man's spirit. Its evocations are never pretentious, never sentimental-though often tender and usually painful. It is a ruthless lyricism that does not despair. Wild Strawberries is the testament, I suspect quite directly personal, of a man who
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Upon discovering Oasis a few months ago, I have listened to this song countless times. It reminds me of those perfect times when I was upset and just thought, "Isn't this crazy? Isn't everything so crazy?" It reminds me of Steve -- who I have truly no hope or worry about ever seeing again now. It reminds me of when things take crazy turns... like
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I wish last night was even more fantastic and blissful. I wish today was not so... hungover. I wanted to grab Chris when they announced Obama as president and kiss like New Year's Eve. I wanted there to be even more screaming in the streets. I cannot believe it's happened
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This past weekend was true fun -- true fun that I have not experienced in a long time. Halloween was good -- not mind-blowing, but good. However, since I was attached to the journalist most of the time, I felt the need to run away with my friends and find adventures. The night ended with Lucky Dogs on Bourbon with another couple (gross, just
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Got NetFlix today because both a friend and the boyfriend decided to get it. I want my own movies all the time. Should invest in a DVD copier to make it worth my time. Tonight's Halloween... as usual I'm worried about logistics... but I do think it'll end up being quite fun
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