Flatline Revival Ericathon--CLOSED--Here be the round up post...

Apr 11, 2011 20:15

I know it's early and you guys are all slaving away on your computers to frantically make the deadline...

Shakes head.  Hmmm.....  If you are please let me know and I will delete this post, write you epic Sydney/Karev and make a new post--including your works properly at midnight :)

However since I haven't gotten too much response about the whole thing...  I think it's safe to call it done.  So let the round up begin...

Flatline Revival Ericathon

I would like to thank Manic for kick starting me into posting this up.  That little round of comments around the Erica/MJ meets preggers Callie/Bailey at a book store in the lesbian erotica section was a lot of fun :)

I'd like to thank all of those who left prompts.  I tried to make sure each of you got at least one response.

I'd ESPECIALLY like to thank Whitelder, Sherlock2040 times two, and Irishhusky (you rock, bb)  for writing some responses to start us off.  I hope everyone will stop by and read their drabbles and leave them a lovely comment :)  I did write a few responses, but all of my fics are on their own community.  Anyone 18+ is welcome to join--here's a link to help you do that.  LINK

Thanks for their unknowing support to Little Ruby (banner) and Damelola (text DWP ficathon post. )

So without further ado here are the prompts and their responses.

PROMPT:  punky_96.  Erica/Cristina.  Three naughty nurses.
RESPONSE:  irishhusky.  Skillz.  PG.  LINK.

PROMPT:  hahnsrockstar.  Erica/Maura Isles.  Nape Valley Wine trip. 
RESPONSE:  whitelder.  Empty Bottle.  Rated G.  LINK

PROMPT:  mean_manic.  Erica/Addison, Miranda.  Poison oak Addison. 
RESPONSE:  punky_96.  Consult.  Rated PG.  LINK.

PROMPT:  krizzzie.  Erica gen.  Erica has a strange habit. 
RESPONSE:  sherlock2040.  Erica Hahn's Secret Cat Santuary.  G rated.  LINK.

PROMPT:  iahnhiatm.  erica/martha stewart.  These prison buddies have a love/hate relationship.
RESPONSE:  punky_96.  Punishment Not Rehabilitation.  PG.  warning:  bad!Erica. LINK.

PROMPT:  sherlock2040.  Erica.  BSG marathon has convinced her that Cylons are real and coming. 
RESPONSE:  punky_96.  Erica/Shelley Godfrey.  NC-17.  It's the End of the World...  HERE

PROMPT:  ubiquitousmixie.  Erica/Addison.  "You loved her too, didn't you?" 
RESPONSE:  punky_96.  It's Raining.  Rated PG. LINK.

PROMPT:  mia_bell27.  Erica/OFC.  "Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember." 
RESPONSE:  punky_96.  Butterfly.  Warning: character death.  LINK.

PROMPT:  irishhusky.  Erica/OFC.  Erica reflects back on her first girl-crush.  Pre-Callie. 
RESPONSE:  punky_96.  Acceptance.  rated G.  Unnamed Callie/Addison.  LINK.

PROMPT:  seabookmonger.  Erica.  Erica tries internet dating. 
RESPONSE:  sherlock2040.  rated G.  Erica's internet dilemma.  LINK.

PROMPT:  dianeb_047.  Erica Hahn/Maura Isles.  More wine country for these two :).
RESPONSE:  punky_96.  Burner, Basket & Ring.  Rated R. LINK.

Unclaimed Prompts:

from punky_96:

Erica/Addison.  Lines of deliciousness.  LINK
Erica/7of 9 and/or J.  Voyager gets new medical officer.  LINK 
Erica/OC.  Hope dangles on a string.  LINK.
Erica/female!Giles.  A female watcher arrives to keep an eye on Giles.  LINK
Erica/Maura Isles.  Doctors without borders, trapped somewhere.  LINK
bad!Erica/any OFC.  Criminal Erica living her life meets girl--please no save me fic.  LINK

from hahnsrockstar:

Erica/OC.  Debate which is worse SuckerPunch or Potterfic.  LINK.

from krizzzie:

Erica and OC gen.  "Used to be friends" by the Dandywarhols.  LINK

from sherlock2040:

Erica.  Ten things Erica wants to keep hidden & one that everyone knows about & she thinks is still a secret.   LINK
Erica/OFC.  Author's choice.  Trying to spend some quiet alone time and the world is conspiring against them.  LINK

from ubiquitoumixie:

Erica/Yang.  Let your fingers do the talking.  LINK
Erica/OFC.  Elizabeth Taylor movies.  LINK
Erica/Dana Scully.  Two lonely women sitting next to each other at a seedy bar.  LINK
Erica/Teddy.  The way to a woman's heart is with her scalpel.  LINK

from mia_bell27:

Erica/Abbey Bartlett.  As a resident Erica meets (the future first lady) Abbey Bartlett at Columbia.  LINK

from irishhusky:

Erica/Addison.  In Las Vegas.  LINK
Erica/OFC.  Erica learns a 'new skill' from her girlfriend.  LINK
Erica/Joan--Madmen.  Office gossip.  LINK

from dianeb_047:

Erica Hahn/Temperence Brennan.  Erica fills in for Cam and Erica/Brennan end up at the Founding Fathers for a drink.  LINK
Erica Hahn/Kathryn Janeway.  Erica is on a planet Voyager visits and they end up playing Full Body Contact Velocity...  LINK.

mods?  can we get IRISH a writer tag!!!!!!!  she's joined us in writer-dom!!!  huzzah!!!

fanfic:erica/oc, fanfic:erica hahn, art:fanfiction, challenge:prompt, writer:whitelder, writer:sherlock2040, fanfic:erica/ga character, writer:punky_96, writer:irishhusky

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