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Comments 18

haikujaguar October 10 2010, 00:39:22 UTC
*blink* I think you did that really well! Now I want to go read these stories. O_O


eric_hinkle October 10 2010, 02:36:30 UTC
Here's a link to the book proper:


And one to the site where they sell the Planet Stories line. They've got some great and long OOP stuff by writers like C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner.


I hope you see something you like!


polaris93 October 10 2010, 03:29:06 UTC
Oh, hey, I read everything of his I could find when I was in my teens and 20s -- I loved his work, which I first discovered in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Great review (yours)! :-D


eric_hinkle October 10 2010, 03:59:27 UTC
Check under above for links if you want to buy the books. And in case you're interested, they'll be releasing his collected Hok stories in a few months too. Those are the ones about the Cro-Magnon fighting monsters and Neandertals in the 'dawn of time'; really kinda fun if you like heroic fantasy.

And thanks for liking the review!

BTW, the comment on your discovering Wellman's work in F&SF -- I'm assuming this is when he started re-releasing stories to it in the 70's?


polaris93 October 10 2010, 04:02:43 UTC
Check under [Unknown LJ tag] above for links if you want to buy the books. And in case you're interested, they'll be releasing his collected Hok stories in a few months too. Those are the ones about the Cro-Magnon fighting monsters and Neandertals in the 'dawn of time'; really kinda fun if you like heroic fantasy.

For now, I'll have to put that off -- I'm flat broke. {sigh}

And thanks for liking the review!


BTW, the comment on your discovering Wellman's work in F&SF -- I'm assuming this is when he started re-releasing stories to it in the 70's?

No. I first read one of his stories when I was in my teens, and it was in F&SF (I was born in 1945). Over the years, his work came out in various publications, including some anthologies. I did have copies of the latter, but as with so many other books I've had, it has disappeared in the ruck and rubble of a zillion moves. {more sigh}


eric_hinkle October 10 2010, 22:40:48 UTC
Wow, you were lucky to read the stories back when they first came out. I tried to get into F&SF a few years back. Ugh what a mess. Half the stories were anvilicous politics and the other half were some of the most perverse sex (a woman impregnates herself with a dead man's frozen genitals; and that was one of the tamer bits) I've ever had the misfortune of seeing. Man oh man but has that maagzine ever changed from the 50's and 60's.


ironbadger October 13 2010, 10:50:36 UTC
Might want to mention that Manly Wade Wellman is mentioned by David Drake as one of the major influences in his own writing- and was a personal friend of Drake's in his later years; having inherited a .38 revolver Wellman bought and carried at one time.

As for F&SF- I haven't bothered with anything that rag has published in over 25 years.
I had a copy of Amazing, I think it was, that had one of the most fun stories I ever read in a magazine- "The Intercept".
A story set in the late 80s about a dogfight between a US air force F15 eagle fighter and a time-lost fire breathing dragon....

Now thats the sort of thing I love.
None of this doom and gloom, suck your own dick while angsting over the sad state of the world horse shit.

Pardon my french.
But I'll read their magazine when they publish some decent stories.



eric_hinkle October 13 2010, 14:45:21 UTC
I should have mentioned that (about Drake), yes. Thanks for pointing it out.

And I agree with you about the current upon last examination trend in stories at F&SF and seemingly so many of the big SF mags. Man but "Doomsday's-a-Comin! Wangst Wangst Wangst!" got so very tired long ago. The story you mention from AS sounds like it was fun.

And excuse me for deleting your Anonymous entry here, as it said the same as this one did. Just didn't see the need for the repeat.


ironbadger October 13 2010, 21:44:50 UTC
Yeah, I managed to forget to hit my ID before posting and noticed while it was lagging.
I hit cancel and put my ID on- thought I had managed to do that in time, but apparently not.
Thanks for removing the redundant post, which was the appropriate action; and sorry about that.



eric_hinkle October 14 2010, 01:00:33 UTC
Thanks for removing the redundant post, which was the appropriate action; and sorry about that.

No, no, it's all good.

BTW, how's the neck doing? I hope your health troubles have gotten better.


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