vignettes all around!

Nov 14, 2011 19:50

hades/persephone (greek mythology headcanon/percy jackson and the olympians); pg
~733 words
let’s just say hades tuned out during his lessons of social etiquette.
notes: this is what happens when i talk to skypirateb too much.

When one asks a gentleman what his favorite thing is about a lady, one expects a gentlemanly answer. Ask Hades, Lord of the Underworld, what his favorite thing about his wife Persephone is and you’ll get…well. Let’s just say Hades tuned out during his lessons of social etiquette.

“Sup, Batman.” Hades’ grunt was enough of an acknowledgement for Persephone. Her footsteps were light on the obsidian as she moved to perch herself on the edge of his desk. She leaned over, her hair falling into his gaze. “What’cha pouring over now?”

Wrinkling his nose from the soft touches of her hair, he reached a hand up to brush her hair back up over her shoulder. “I’m just…” His voice went hoarse as he looked up, going entirely slack-jawed in a matter of seconds. She returned his look with soft, wide doe eyes, her smirk perfectly masked by a pout of lips.

“Is there something wrong? I haven’t got something on my shirt again, have I? Damn, this is my favourite shirt too.” Looking down, her jersey-styled Batman shirt had not a blemish on it. Neither, Hades would point out, did her thighs, so perfectly and torturously exposed on his desk. Slender and smooth and right there.

Clearing his throat, Hades leaned back in his chair and made a point to set his jaw and keep his eyes locked on hers. Because he knew - oh yes, he knew what she was trying to do and he would be damned if he gave in - if he looked down at all, he would be done for.

“Why -” He had to immediately clear his throat again, lest that atrocious pre-pubescent noise that was destined to come out of his mouth be heard.

Regaining his bearings, he spoke again. “Why would something be wrong? You’re the one who came to me.”

“You just looked distracted. And I know how you get when you obsess over your work too much.” She uncrossed her legs, rubbing her foot delicately along her calf and delighting in the way Hades’ Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly. “Of course…there is a reason I came to see you.” Leaning forward, she ghosted her lips across his and smiled slyly.


“Yup!” With a change in demeanor entirely, she pushed herself off his desk and landed with a slight stumble, her legs bending at the knee to catch herself. Hades felt the breath in his body leave him for a moment. They just went on for miles. The pair of boyshorts she was wearing did nothing to help matters. In fact, they only complicated them. The way he was reminded of how he liked to splay his hand under her calf as he traced his lips along the inside of her thigh was especially complicated. And the black piece of lace she donned relentlessly mocked his sufferings.

Resting his forearms on his desk, his lips curled into a smirk of recognition at this game. “And what might that reason be?” He lowered his voice to a huskier level, milking that Heathcliff-on-the-Moor brooding sex appeal for all it was worth.

“Oh, it’s nothing big.” She waved her hand noncommittally. “I think I left my iPod in here and I heard you listening to Beyoncé the other day and Psyche’s spending the night and you know music is absolutely essential to a girl’s night and Hephaestus is updating hers or whatever, I don’t really know, but anyway, yeah, just need my iPod.” Her smile was brutal.

Hades went slack-jawed again and the words died upon his lips before he could even get them out. His eyes stayed trained on her as she walked around the desk beside him and began shuffling through the drawers. He reached a hand out towards her leg and immediately clenched it into a frustrated fist when he heard a satisfied “Aha!” from Persephone.

“You should take a break from work tonight, babe.” He felt her lips upon his temple before he even recognized that she had been moving. “I give you permission to spend time with your boyfriend as I’m spending time with my girlfriend. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Winking at him, she was out of the room in seconds, iPod in hand, and not giving him the satisfaction of listening to the strangled cry he let forth moments later when it hit him what had just happened.

austin+miranda, austin/malcolm (percy jackson and the olympians); pg
~288 words
but she clung like a barnacle and dispelled the shadows that haunted his nightmares
notes: prompt of 'shadows' from saturninepen

It was some absurd hour in the morning when Miranda stirred at the sound of muffled cries through the wall. Throwing an arm over her face, she opened one eye and peeked at the clock. Who the fuck thought it was okay to disturb her beauty sleep? Lifting her arm from her face, she stared at the ceiling and listened again. When it clicked this time, she sat bolt-right up and tried to master the art of doing two things at once: untangling herself from her blankets and getting to her feet.

“Fucking gravity, how does it work?” Peeling herself off the floor, she crept out of her room and tip-toed to Austin’s. She didn’t even bother to knock and as her eyes adjusted to the dark, she saw him writhing under his blankets, breathing heavily in fear. When she crawled under the covers and immediately latched on to him, she felt him jump out of his skin but she clung like a barnacle and dispelled the shadows that haunted his nightmares. She pressed kisses into his hair and let him cry and when he calmed down she told him they could watch a movie and she’d paint his nails.

As Austin was setting up the DVD player for Bridget Jones’ Diary, he could hear Miranda on the phone in the kitchen (“I realize what time it is and no, I don’t care. You have nothing more important to do - no, not even sleep - than coming over here right now, Boy Toy.”) It didn’t take long for Malcolm to arrive and fuss over Austin, brushing the hair from his face and kissing him tenderly, before Miranda smacked him on the ass and told them it was movie time.

eros/psyche, psyche-gen (greek mythology headcanon); pg
~626 words
she was immortal, she was a goddess
notes: i really really really love psyche.

There was no doubt in her mind on whether or not she wanted to become immortal. She had been through more trials than most mortals would ever face in their entire lifetimes. And she had done it all for love. She just didn’t realize how daunting it would be to stand before the Olympian Council. Her eyes kept searching out Eros’ who stood beside Zeus, looking to him to keep her knees from buckling. She could barely keep track of what everyone was saying anymore.

“I would like to vouch for her. I saw first-hand her bravery and persistence to complete the quests set down for her by Aphrodite.” Persephone spoke up, her mere presence a rarity at the Council. Her voice calmed Psyche and the young, mortal girl gave her a grateful smile. Persephone had been a friend throughout her quest and she knew that if she was granted immortality, she would like to get to know her more.

Zeus nodded at his daughter’s contribution and began to say something. He was interrupted, however, by the recoiling of some of the people present as someone new arrived.

“Sorry for being late.” A gruff voice spoke up behind Psyche and although she was not sure if it was proper etiquette, her curiosity got the better of her. She turned around slightly and was met with a surprising vision. She knew stories, of course, but Hephaestus was truly unlike any of the gods here. Her look of surprise soon softened and she smiled, despite herself. There was something in his eyes that strangely comforted her. Before forgetting herself entirely, she nodded her head and turned back towards Zeus.

The rest of Council continued with little debate, save for some outcries from Aphrodite. Psyche was taken aback by Hephaestus’ defense of her against his wife, especially because they had yet to become acquainted. Aphrodite was easily out-numbered and Psyche was granted immortality. Just like that. She could hardly believe this had really happened. She was immortal. She was a goddess. As Eros approached her, everything was in a daze. He was grinning and had his arms wide open. She fell into them almost instantly and they embraced for what seemed like ages. Her stomach did a little flop-flop when she realized she could cuddle him for ages.

In a matter of moments Aphrodite was dragging her son away, which bothered Psyche less now she knew she would just have to get used to it. She stood awkwardly in the middle of the chamber, biting her lip, when she saw a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye. Hephaestus was hobbling silently out of the chamber, presumably to go back to his forges. Before letting him get away, she darted over to him and gently rested her hand on his forearm, making him jump.

“Oh! I’m very sorry. I-I’m afraid I’m still a little overwhelmed.” She laughed nervously as she looked at him, her gaze unwavering which clearly made him quite uncomfortable though she didn’t pick up on it.

“It is…all right.” He replied awkwardly.

“I just wanted to thank you. For what you said earlier, defending me when you hardly know me.” Her smile was warm and infectious, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

“It was…” He shifted on his deformed leg, averting his gaze rather than matching hers. Clearing his throat, he nodded stiltedly. “It was the right thing to do. You will be a fine addition to Olympus.”

Before she could help herself, she leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the cheek. With a final look, she ran back into the crowd to find Eros, leaving Hephaestus alone and shocked, his eyes wide and the faint traces of a smile on his lips.

(!) public post, (pop culture) fanfiction, (ship) hades/persephone, (book) percy jackson and the olympians, (history) greek mythology

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