the last homely wiccan altar

Mar 18, 2005 16:52

it's ostara this sunday. and as most of you will be showered with easter bunnies, I thought I show you my altar, which I decorated yesterday in the spirit of the upcoming festivities.

and yes, I know it is not the kind of altar one would expect... also in spiritual matters, I prefer bow and arrows to canon, you see.

the last homely wiccan altar )

home improvement, wicca, pagan

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Comments 39

Coolies aprilmoon08 March 18 2005, 16:11:20 UTC
I think it is cool and quite lovely. I love it. I really do, and I am not just saying that. It just calls to me, and it would be something that I would like if 1)I had the room and 2)if I had a place to put my alter. Actually, I think I may have a place when I start to get more into Wiccan lifestlye. Just so you know, I have come out of the broomcloset, but not completely. LOL.


Re: Coolies erestor March 18 2005, 21:06:51 UTC
thank you! :-D I'm happy to hear that you poked your nose out of the broomcloset ;-)

the "call" is all it is about, really. I have a friend whose altar is a simple, small stone. but it called to her, and that's it. at the end of the day, these thingies are not that important. if you sit in the forrest on a lovely spring day like today, and you feel everything being alive and growing around you, then the whole earth is you altar, and you worship it by smiling. :)


spacebee March 18 2005, 16:21:58 UTC
Lovely, Erestor. Your space is your space. :) I LOVE the personal touches. A joyous Ostara to you.


erestor March 18 2005, 21:09:16 UTC
thanks a lot, nierli (that's "small kidney" in swiss german - excuse me while I go and duck before you throw something my way...)

I have a lovely decoration for this ostara - hand-carved stone eggs from australia. they are lovely, also to play with (I sometimes play with stones while I read or meditate, I find it very relaxing and calming).

and of course, a beautiful, blessed ostara to you and your loved ones as well. :)


spacebee March 21 2005, 06:14:52 UTC
*chuckles* Small kidney. Dear me. At least I am dainty. Heh. I would never throw anything but smoochies at you, dear Erestor.

The stone eggs sound lovely. I can relate to what you describe, touching them while reading or meditating. Very tactile, very grounding, very relaxing.


loll_3000 March 18 2005, 16:27:17 UTC
It's very beautiful and also misterius for someone as ignorant as me in this matter but it fashinates me a lot and makes me wish to learn more about what a wiccan is.

I'm only wondering how such a delicate object can survive a home full of cats!


aprilmoon08 March 18 2005, 17:06:35 UTC
you could be like me and pretty much buy everything in site. there is italien wiccan, which I have been told is something one must experience.


loll_3000 March 18 2005, 17:24:25 UTC
Uhm... but I suppose this must be something you feel strongly coming from inside of you, or am I wrong? And since I have no idea of what a wiccan is, apart some general information, how can I say if I want to "become" a wiccan or not. And, again, is it correct to say "to become" a wiccan? I thought this was an inner power that someone has since the birth.
Oh, shit, I'm making to many questions... I apologize, I know this is not the place but I'm very confused about this matter and I've found anybody who can explain it to me so far, even though I known some people who declare themself "wicca".

My apologize again.


aprilmoon08 March 18 2005, 17:30:50 UTC
for me it is something that I feel very comfortable with. A path I follow because it honors the earth and her energies, the goddess moon, and the sun god. I am still in the infant stages of my learning,but from what I have experience so for it just feels right. I would ask Master Erestor what her outlook on it is, and maybe, since she has been practicing longer, can be a heck of a lot clearer than I can. Or you also can ask Vesta. She is training to be a high prietess.


mirien March 18 2005, 16:59:45 UTC
I like the different levels of it, there's something very satisfying about it. Plus I rather think that 50's kitsch appeals to the Mother and her consort, I know from experience they have a sense of humour! (though I have to wish they wouldn't have quite such a sense of humour when it comes to making offerings of dried herbs in high winds. Eh, but I asked for that one)

Merry Meet, Erestor, Ostara blessings to you.



erestor March 18 2005, 21:31:18 UTC
thank you, mirien! yes, I agree, there is a great sense of humour to be found, and I'm grateful for it. many people underestimate the power of laughter. high winds? dare I ask? :D I could add stories about my pitiful attempts of starting a fire in the rain, but... instead, I rather wish you bright blessings and a wonderful feast. :)


sildil March 18 2005, 17:23:39 UTC
I love the shape of it, very satisfying, and the second photo with the sunlight behind it is beautiful.


erestor March 18 2005, 21:33:38 UTC
I love 50ies and 60ies design, and this piece literally yelled at the junk store to be taken along! how could I resist? this is my bedroom, by the way, and I have afternoon sun there. it's really light-flooded most of the day, and leads to my "wintergarden". it's a happy, peaceful room, so this is just the perfect place for my altar. after easter, the wallpapers will be re-fixed (they used the wrong glue, now they peel off), and then I'll paint it in mint-greens.

I'm really bitten by the DIY bug lately, my my...


sildil March 19 2005, 00:30:48 UTC
I like 50's and 60's stuff too, and this piece of furniture is lovely, just perfect. As someone said, the different levels are ideal for postioning things nicely. The colour scheme sounds great!


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