
Aug 02, 2011 11:25

 Yesterday, I got thrown from a horse for the first time.

I was thrown face-first (I was wearing a helmet, of course) into a metal fence. I am bruised and scraped, and my knee is smashed up but not broken. I'm going back today to ride my regular horse, to be sure I'm not afraid or nervous.

Anyone care to share their first fall stories??

horse: 1 me: 0, falls

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Comments 101

inu_yukai August 2 2011, 14:48:36 UTC
My first fall was from my grandparents horse...at a gallop..as he spooked and bolted. They took me to the ER to be safe to make sure I did not break anything.

It was my first time in riding in a western saddle and that turned me off for life.


napalmbright August 2 2011, 14:50:44 UTC
At a gallop? Scary! This was just at a trot, luckily!


ex_thegreyl August 2 2011, 15:00:21 UTC
My first real fall was off a pony. I was 13. Her name was Souix. She was probably a little too small for me to be riding, but we were just going for a little trail ride and the BO's son wanted to ride a different horse and that left his little paint. We were on the far end of the pumpkin patch where we normally did a short canter, but instead of cantering she decided to gallop and then bronco styled it up a few strides where I went for the dirt. I wasn't wearing a helmet, because we just didn't back then, and had to walk myself the rest of the way back to the barn because she hightailed it to the gate and munched on grass like nothing had happened.

When I reached her, I made sure she was okay and got back on for a small circle, then got off/untacked and put her out with the herd. I don't think I ever rode her again after that, but she really was too small for me.


napalmbright August 2 2011, 15:02:45 UTC
At least neither of you were hurt ♥


stacyinthecity August 2 2011, 15:02:02 UTC
I hope you heal quickly! Glad nothing major is hurt ( ... )


napalmbright August 2 2011, 15:04:36 UTC
That first fall sounds almost cute!

Falling is scary. I was really upset, because the horse did it to get me off of him. I'm going back today, though, to ride my regular guy to make sure I don't get scared or nervous.

I hope your shoulder heals up quickly! Three weeks is a long time to have a sore shoulder :(


vayshedruvon August 2 2011, 15:05:49 UTC
My first fall was nearly the same thing as yours, lol :)


stacyinthecity August 2 2011, 15:07:38 UTC
I was just about to say the same thing. :)


vayshedruvon August 2 2011, 15:03:25 UTC
I was riding double and bareback on my sister-in-law's sister's horse. I was probably 6 or 7 or something. The horse just turned, pretty much from standing still, and we just slid off, haha. Not very dramatic, except as a 6 year old... no injuries though ;)


napalmbright August 2 2011, 15:05:26 UTC
I'm sure it felt dramatic then!


pythia August 2 2011, 15:07:53 UTC
I honestly don't remember. I had a LOT of smart-ass, cheeky or generally shitheaded ponies. Chances are...it was probably Musket, who was a shithead, or Trixie, who was just a brat. Or Patch. Yeah, I dunno.

My first SERIOUS fall happened when I was riding at my friend's place and trying to make my pony walk through a puddle, and he touched the electric fence. He bolted, I came off into a fence, and he carried on, went straight through a steel gate and knocked it flat, and ended up 2 kms down the road before someone caught him. And he was a 12hh Welsh Mountain. Hah.
...always turn off your electric fences wehn riding, kids.


napalmbright August 2 2011, 15:15:45 UTC
Wow. That sounds terrifying!


pythia August 2 2011, 15:28:59 UTC
Haha, yeah. Poor pony was scared half to death though. He was all shaking and dripping with sweat when we got him back. Poor wee man!

Actually, he was the same pony I was riding when I had my only *really* serious fall. Long story short, he bolted, I came off and my foot got stuck in the stirrup and I got dragged. They thought I'd broken my neck, but luckily it was just soft tissue damage. I was about...seven? And luckily I was wearing a helmet.
We did some more research into his background and found out he had a bit of a messy history involving bolting with another girl (after getting a home-made jump stuck between his legs and ROLLING head over heels and then taking off) and they then tied him up, beat him with a broom and left him there overnight. :(
My parents decided he was too dangerous for kids the way he was and had him completely reschooled, and sold to a girl who was older, but small enough for him. Man, I LOVED that pony. I wonder what happened to him...


napalmbright August 2 2011, 15:34:59 UTC
That breaks my heart :(


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