if no one moves then nobody's gonna get hurt

Sep 14, 2014 19:11

whoops i slacked for two days. i didn't really forget, i just didn't know what to write about and was tired and lazy so i just didn't ( Read more... )

30 days of blogging

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Comments 2

thethingiswhat September 15 2014, 05:39:48 UTC
I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't blog the last few days. I'm hardly home on Fridays as is (especially at night when I tend to do all my blogging) and then when I work full weekends all I want to do is go home and go to bed on Saturday night because I have to be up super early to work on Sunday. Blah.

If you and your dad road trip you should come to Seattle! I might be biased though. ;)

I used to road trip with my mom a lot and it's fun. Even when the sights are nothing to write home about. Plus there are so many lulzy signs and what not on the way up north. I still hope to stop at the 99 Australian Hats store that is in Northern California (or Southern Oregon).


episkeyit September 16 2014, 19:13:54 UTC
oof yeah i feel that. i occasionally work saturdays and when i do i don't wanna do anything else after. five day weeks are draining enough.

that would be ideal!! it would just depend how much time we had. i'll definitely let you know if we actually make this happen.

yeah i had a blast roadtripping with my dad i just really wanna do it agaaaaaaain


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