if no one moves then nobody's gonna get hurt

Sep 14, 2014 19:11

whoops i slacked for two days. i didn't really forget, i just didn't know what to write about and was tired and lazy so i just didn't.

anyway. um. friday was my roommate's last day at ninja warrior with me. she's leaving for a vacation to france on wednesday that i'm super jealous about. i've still got two weeks with the ninjas and i'm not really looking forward to it. but we have a wrap party tomorrow and i'm pretty excited about that.

yesterday my roommate and i went out with some people for korean bbq and ohhhh em gee it was so delicious. it was the second time i've had and gosh it's just really awesome. super delicious. i'm so about it. and it was a really fun night.

today i didn't do anything but facetime with my parents. we talked for like two hours about stuff. got my dad thinking about coming for a visit and road-tripping up the west coast. i so want to do it. it's been almost a year since we left to drive me across the country and we had such a blast and i miss it and wanna do it again and so does he so i really hope he tries to make it work for him to come out and drive to like the pacific northwest or at least like yosemite or something. idk if my mom will come or not, she doesn't seem thrilled with being a car that long. but dad and i know we can do it. we survived the midwest, we can survive anything!!

anyway that's about it for me right now. just cooking some dinner and trying to enjoy the fact that i have nothing to do because tomorrow it's back to work!! and i'll have an editing project on top of that really soon.

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