illuminations on a rainy day

Sep 11, 2014 23:24

september 11th is always a weird day for me. i was pretty young when the whole thing happened, but i wasn't so young that i don't remember. but it's been over half of my life since it happened.

i was in sixth grade when it happened. we'd just gotten back to our classroom from music class. our teacher told us what happened and i remember turning on the news for a little while. i don't really remember the rest of the day, but i remember coming home and my mom was really upset and she went down to the church for a really long time to pray after my dad got home. i don't think i was old enough that it truly resonated with me like it resonated with adults. i don't think i understood the scale. i knew people died and i knew it was sad know, there's so much that goes over your head at that age. i don't remember being scared or worried or anything like that. maybe it was, but that's not something i recall.

honestly i think i prefer it that way. i'm glad i can remember it, but i'm glad it wasn't a deeply emotional day for me.

today's a day that tends to make me really pensive now that i'm older though.

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