i make the moves up as i go

Sep 16, 2014 11:07

i missed yesterday but i have a good reason this time!! i was at work all day and then right after we had the ANW wrap party!! and i got pretty tipsy and came home and crashed!! but anyway i'm gonna talk about yesterday now because i'm really not in the mood to actually work right now.

so around 5:30 we had a sort of "meeting" for my department but basically my boss made me and the coordinators and assistant editors mimosas and thanked us for a great season. we went over a few things we still had to do but pretty much just all hung out and chatted about a bunch of stuff like the state of the world and conspiracies and it was pretty fun. so that basically went to the end of the work day and then it was like WRAP PARTY TIME!! so everyone left and we were like "see you soon!"

i went home and changed and my roommate's boyfriend drove her and me to the party and we got free drink tickets so i only ended up buying one drink for myself but actually had...five, i think over the course of the 3+ hour evening. it started off nice i just hung out with a bunch of people i work with every day and munched on some snacks. then i started mingling a little more and talking to people who had been done for a while at the office and catching up with them and stuff.

and then the ninjas started showing up. kacy catanzaro and her bf brent steffensen were kind of the big ticket names (i'd noticed a few other ninjas earlier and that was cool but kacy is from texas so i was really surprised she was there!!) and i talked to both of them and they were so cool and chill. and i took a pic with kacy and then we got this big group photo with our whole little post department with kacy and brent and one of the other ninjas, evan dollard.

evan and i ended up talking to for the better part of an hour at least because after the pic i told him i'd seen his captain america video and he was like "NOOOOO! YOU SAW THAT?!?!? OH GOD" and we just ended up talking for a really long time. i didn't expect that, i just kinda wanted to be like "i saw this video like a month ago and i was like WAIT I KNOW THAT GUY THAT GUY IS A NINJA" (because that was how i reacted it was so weird) and be on my way but somehow we just ended up talking about all kinds of stuff. at points other people joined us like another ninja ben melick and producers and kacy and stuff and i got all kinds of dirt and it was so awesome. also evan was really charming like there was something about the way he laughed that was just so endearing--it was kinda like chris evans in that he just throws himself into it and has this really body and face encompassing laugh (no boob grab tho) and if i said i didn't have a crush on him now i would be a LIAR. eventually we went our separate ways but we bumped into each other a few other times and we hugged when i left.

so yeah that's about it, really. we probably would have stayed a little longer if my roommate didn't start feeling icky, but there weren't a ton of people still there when we left and a lot of people left with us so it wasn't really a big deal.

i should probably get back to work now. bleeeeeeh.

american ninja warrior, 30 days of blogging

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