i want i want i want but that's crazy

Sep 27, 2014 02:00

ahhhh okay so it's 1:45am and i need to get up at like 8 or 9 tomorrow BUT i wanna write about this NOW while it's FRESH

(also yes i've been really absent, but my computer died and was in the hands of the apple geniuses for like a week but now it's back so yay!!)

(also also i'm so tired and also getting some sort of delayed buzz idk i was 100% sober driving home but now that i'm laying down it's hitting me or something?? so i apologize for...the lack of coherence or w/e)

so tonight was a screening for a movie i worked on last march. idk how common of knowledge this is but james franco teaches a class at usc and this class made a feature film about don quixote. i was a pa/camera pa on this film. (i never shared words with franco, but i did share air and take creeper snapchats and sent them to my brothers)

ANYWAY so yeah tonight was the screening and a. I WAS SO IMPRESSED WITH THE MOVIE like i don't wanna say surprised but i was really impressed with it esp considering there were ELEVEN directors b. IT WAS SO NICE TO SEE ALL OF THE CREW AGAIN ahh i wanna cry it was so nice i miss all of these people it's been like six months since i've seen them and idk it's just...when you're on a film set for 12+ hours a day, six days a week, you really get to know people and they become like this little short-term, makeshift family and then it's so sad when it's over and i just realized how much i miss and love these people and it's probably the last time i will see them in a long time and im just really emotional about it

okay so i got there and then i met up with my camera buds and one of the camera buds, jon...like ugh he is so cute and so sweet and gives such amazing hugs and i just wanna dATE HIM!!!!! but as of the wrap party like six months ago he was in a relationship with this girl and had been for like six years so i mean that seemed really off the table and wow this sounds like it's gonna lead somewhere good for me but it's NOT spoiler alert

anyway so the bunch of us caught up and then we got seats and watched the movie (this was at like 8:30) and YEAH SO GOOD!! idk i think it was good i hope it gets a cool distribution also franco was there

then there was like an after party or w/e and i got to see more people and it was so nice and so fun and we stayed until we got chased out and then a couple of us went to a bar across the street

and me and this girl julie that was a plus one to someone at the screening chatted a bunch and it was really fun and then we somehow made friends with some strangers idk how that happened but the guy (it was a couple) gave me his phone number and like wanted all four of us to hang out idk it was weird but then julie got distracted so i ran to the bathroom to get away and then found jon and one of the other crew guys carmen and they "caught me up to speed" on their convo which was like jon telling me that he's bi and he hasn't told his parents yet but his mom is being weird and now he's dating this guy and i'm just like UGH IF YOU WERE GONNA BREAK UP WITH YOUR LONGTERM GF WHY COULDN'T YOU START DATING ME but yeah then he showed me this text string with him and his bf and it was cute and fine jon u win just be cute and bi with ur bf WHATEVER

anyway it was a really awesome night i was out and about and being social for SO LONG and it rarely happens that i enjoy it so much and it was so nice to see everyone and wow i just miss set life and people i work with and idk how to end this but it's 2am now and i need to sleepy

i have a crush on every boy, 30 days of blogging

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