did it in my
KNIGHTMARE + code geass ONLY.
+ comment with the pairing you'd like to claim. yaoi, yuri, het--any pairing at all.
+ one pairing per person, two people per pairing.
+ first come, first serve.
+ common sense is a given.
+ take the code after I comment back with something such as "ok" "adding" "ok sure omg that pairing" blablabla.
+my codes may suck, but please don't edit them. ^^ if you find something wrong with it just tell me, yeah? \o/
+ strikeout implies it's full
+ claimed
lloyd x schneizel -
sailorpokemon suzaku x lelouch -
innoc3nt_sorrow nina x table -
shoats | xx
suzaku x gino
rokeru |
thumbs lloyd x suzaku
kitamurin | xx
lelouch x rolo
morr_chan |
tyne schneizel x kanon
normalcyborg |
kazimierzi lelouch x c.c
xhouki_blossomx |
haruki_yume lloyd x everyone
peekaydee | xx
schneizel x lelouch
illusioncandy | xx
gino x kallen
moehoshi | xx
suzaku x euphemia
linkkitty | xx
lelouch x shirley
ladymikano |
xx_wulfi_xx schneizel x suzaku
zafiroflauta | xx
lelouch x lelouch
elda | xx
kallen x lelouch -
pink_for_flower | xx
did it in myhttp://community.livejournal.com/epicfaggotry/17586.html?mode=reply" _fcksavedurl="http://a href"> KNIGHTMARE