i need to vent about S1 QAF

Mar 13, 2006 01:23

okay, mostly, not much to vent about, it's a pretty damn good season, esp. compared to s4 or s5 but ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

zosha2003 March 13 2006, 06:57:55 UTC
Melanie was a reactionary bitch - with a big chip on her shoulders from day 1. She hates Brian because he has what she wants (Linds' unconditional love, the biological Gus connection, the "ease" of moving through the business world as a white male, good looks). Mel is the most judgmental character on the show except from Joan Kinney.

Brian loves to push her buttons - mostly because she's so easy; everything is a slight to this sanctimonious angry nut.

Obviously it's Cowplop's fault - they made her into this ... this ... thing that has little or no touch with reality. If you watched the UK version - the comparable Melanie character was not half a angry and so ready to attack the Brian-like character at every turn. Perhaps Cowplop has a thing against lesbians?

I feel for Michele Clunie - from everything I hear she's a nice person. Must have been a bitch to play this loonie without an easily identifiable redeeming quality to be had.


epicallytired March 13 2006, 07:00:24 UTC
i agree...um with your agreeing with me.

and yeah, i'm sure michele clunie is a nice person, i have nothing against the actress, i just can't fucking stand her character.


_alicesprings March 13 2006, 07:22:29 UTC

Yes! ITA! I hate Melanie, she blames Brian for her own mistakes, and all of her (and the world's) problems.

I said as much over at qaf_marathons, that I liked Lindsay better than Mel, and no-one agreed with me. They all liked Mel's feistiness. Well there's feistiness and there's being an irrational bitch.

I'm on your side.


epicallytired March 13 2006, 07:27:36 UTC
yeah, she's not fiesty. debbie can be fiesty. hell even jennifer in her reserved wasp way can be strong. mel is just insane.


_alicesprings March 13 2006, 07:30:22 UTC


seanmegansean March 13 2006, 11:47:25 UTC
I have no idea how I missed you saying that. I'm soooooooo with you. Mel is f* bitch, she can never do anything but complain, she's hardly ever happy with anything and her need to blame Brian is outrageous and uncalled for beyond words.

Linds may be weaker, but just being stronger does my no means make up for Mel's being bitter, mean-spirited and just all around annoying (the only good moments she ever had were standing up to Linds' parents' in 207? and the one scene at Woody's right before Brian licks his way up Justin's body, I mean tells him about promoting the GSSA) [/rant]


shadownyc March 13 2006, 11:45:51 UTC

I've never like Mel because of all the reasons you illustrated and more. While she's had her moments of lucidity and pleasantness (never saw warmth), she's never been likeable (sp).

The parallels between Brian & Mel include high-powered professionals (although she's a lousy lawyer from what I can tell) and feel the need to be in control.

I once wrote to C/L (diplomatically) and shared my views on their writing of the lesbians on the show. In all 5 years the only story line that had depth (IMO) was their issue over how to run a two-career home with children. That was realistic and an important RL issue. That lasted all of 3 eps. :/


seanmegansean March 13 2006, 11:51:14 UTC
You can write to C/L? Where? How? Can you still do that? I searched for anything coming even close to any address but never found anything. I figured it was either because they were hiding (which they'd better) or because I couldn't access the "right" sites from outside the US - as is the case e.g. with the Showtime homepage.

Oh, and I was very diplomatic in my three unsent letters too *grumble*


shadownyc March 13 2006, 12:34:40 UTC
As you noted, the address was on the Showtime site. It was c/o Showtime's NYC office--but that was during the run of the show. Now that C/L no longer work for/with Showtime I don't know if C/L has given them a forwarding address. I'm sure they throw most of the letters out--since they clearly have no respect for the QaF fans. *shakes head* This always bothers me because I loved (and still love) "An Early Frost" and "Sisters". Sometimes people lose perspective when they don't look at the broader kaleidoscope of life.


happier_bunny March 13 2006, 18:12:45 UTC
It is unfortunate that Mel had to be such a bitch. I wanted to like her character. I wanted to feel for her feeling like she was left out of being a parent to Gus...but stupid cowlip takes it too far....And she shouldn't blame Brian for her problems, those are hers and hers and Lindsays. But as far as I'm concerned the two of them deserved each other.


happier_bunny March 13 2006, 21:00:22 UTC
Please advise, what's S.U.N.????


seanmegansean March 14 2006, 01:03:13 UTC
shutting up now


happier_bunny March 14 2006, 02:05:55 UTC
thank you so very much!


seanmegansean March 14 2006, 08:25:21 UTC
LOL I only know that one because I remember it from here


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