QAF and memories

Jan 06, 2006 01:16

It's been a few days since I've updated and decided it's time to do so.  But what to write about today.  I've read a lot of QAF rants of late.  Such wonderful and compelling commentary's by many.  It's good to know that I wasn't the only one who felt cheated or betrayed by evil cowlip.  I think instead of hashing over the S5 and the finale, I want to remember favorite scenes and moments from various seasons.  Remind myself why I loved this show so and because there is a lot to savor.  Here a few of mine in no special order and will try to limit it to ten which is going to be tough.

1) "Hey stud, wanna dance? Promise you won't forget this one."  The surprise and delight on Justin's face when he realizes that Brian is serious.  Jesus. I'm such a girl right now.  I have tears in my eyes remembering that one.  Actually there was a lot to love about that whole episode when I think about it.  Brian coming in drunk at the loft to discover emotionally upset Justin, and the way Brian blinks himself into sobriety to deal with him.  This also has one of my few fav Mikey moments.  In full drag and looking hot I might add is Michael (please note though, it took wearing a dress for him to show some balls) telling his boss off and kissing him in front of his co-worker Tracey. (I must say with Hal's raise of the eyebrow...classic and makes me laugh out loud every time.)

2) The end of 304 which is one of the most heated or damn near the boiling point scenes.  Justin returning the bracelet and putting it on Brian's wrist. The unspoken sexual tension, then Brian telling Justin, "shouldn't you be getting back to your boyfriend".  Based on Brian's expression, what he really meant was , 'Enough of this bullshit, shouldn't you be getting back to me' .  That scene sizzled.

3) 119 I loved the last scene of this episode when Brian bowls away his Dad’s memory.  “So long Jack, you son-of-a-bitch”.  Brian standing there with his arms upwards in victory.   Visually that was so powerful and the song that was used for that scene was just perfect.

4) 118 The forever young scene. Starting with Emmett telling Ted, "everyone knows that I'm a terrible judge of character" to Brian's "after all the trouble I went to to turn you into the best homosexual you can be"  to Justin to their sheer enjoyment in dancing together. Those little sweet hand touches between them and the kiss.  God damn, I do so love that whole arc.

5) 205 the conversation between Debbie and Brian. Debbie ever so quietly and gently asks "You love him, don't you"? and all Brian could do was let out a breath and rest his head on his arms.  Those tender moments between these two through out the series often were quite lovely.

6) 120 The King of Babylon.  Where do I start?  How do I single out a moment or scene in this episode?  Still, when I see ballsy Justin up there on that stage dancing, his relentless nature and spirit for all to see and the shock (Brian) and in some cases delight (Blake laughing,Ted open mouthed, and Emmett giddily clapping)  of the gang watching that. That was a shinning moment for Justin.

7) 408 After Justin finds out that Brian has testicular cancer, and he maneuvers the exhausted Brian into coming home from Babylon, and then proceeds to undress, kiss. caress, and cherishes him in the only way that Brian will let him.  Justin's silent tears and breathing was all the dialogue that was needed.

8) 314  Brian and Emmett scene on the dance floor when Brian tells Emmett to forget about Ted. "He's dead".  (Man.. that was a bit cold) and Emmett's expression and retort "He's not dead".  When Brian tells him that he will be, Emmett's face reflects all the emotions that he is feeling.  Not only that, but his dancing was a reflection of what he was feeling.  (That was one of the best acting scenes between Gale and Peter and that's saying something because they had quite a few).

9) 122 The Prom dance...........................what is there left to say on that that probably hasn't been said?  And cowlip says they weren't writing romance. Fsssttttt..........yeah..........whatever.

10) 409 Chicken Soup scene There Justin as a man stood up to Brian and let him know that he was no longer always going to be in "charge or be on top" nor would he always be calling the shots when it came to their relationship and that it was indeed a "partnership". I was so proud of Justin.  I think Brian was too and relieved as well.  He realized he wasn't alone in this fight.

QAF had some of the most erotic, passionate, graphic, sensual love scenes I've ever seen and I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about them.  Jesus, the kisses themselves deserve their own category.  Hmm.........maybe that will be the focus of my next journal entry.  I wanted to include a favorite love scene of Brian and Justin's, but I couldn't really single one out.  They ALL were so special, all packed a punched, and each seem to have a certain theme that they were trying to convey.  I often felt that these scenes were like choreographed poetry.  Reflected in their love scenes was everything that sex can be, desire, temptation, anger, yearning, healing, truth, hurt, joy, power, love, and redemption.  This is how Brian and Justin spoke best to one another and how they often found their answers to questions that would otherwise go unanswered.

And just because I can't end this journal entry without being a bit snarky.

301 - one of my happiest memories, and a scene I could watch on a continuous replay for an hour or two.  Brian punches "BFF" Mikey in the mouth.
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