RR -- Crossover

Oct 13, 2008 09:28

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, folks! It's crossover week here at epic_recs and it's your (and our) chance to introduce your fellow fanfic reader to stories that 'combine as much fandom love in one shot as possible'. How many fandoms can you really fit into one fic? The more the merrier, of course ;p

Things to keep in mind: 
-Recced stories can be any length ( Read more... )

recs by our readers, genre: crossover

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Comments 45

2 coprime October 19 2008, 04:17:58 UTC
*Mathletes 'Verse by thedeadparrot - House/Stargate Atlantis - House/McKay - What if House had attended high school with Rodney McKay? It's neat.

Highly Classified and Very Hush Hush and Strictly on a Need to Know Basis by rageprufrock - NCIS/Stargate Atlantis - ensemble - Three naked Marines end up in NCIS' care. More than a little cracky, very funny.

The Gorram Pegasus Galaxy by khohen1 - Firefly/Stargate Atlantis - ensemble - It's a comic where Serenity shows up at Atlantis. Fun! I wish it was longer, but then the joke would lose its punch.

*Mind Over Matter by npkedit - House/X-Men - Chase - The events of X2 put Chase in a unique situation. Very good.

* Beatles 'Verse by skidmo - Stargate Atlantis/Torchwood - Ianto/Lorne - Lorne's at loose ends and finds himself in Cardiff. A good job of making a crossover pairing work in a longer fic.

*Supersaturation 'Verse by skoosiepants (scroll down to find it) - Stargate Atlantis/Wentz-related bandom - various pairings, huge ensemble - What if the boys (and girls) from the Pete Wentz-focused section of bandom were all members of the ( ... )


Re: 2 meishali October 20 2008, 02:55:25 UTC
A second sequel to Mara's Change Is the Only Constant! I will update the rec post right away. Thanks. :)


Pt 3, The Last Part coprime October 19 2008, 04:22:57 UTC
* Office Hours by tartanshell - Spider-Man/X-Men - Hank McCoy, Peter Parker - Hank befriends one of his students, Peter Parker. Really good writing with both friendship and plot.

* The Wisdom to Know the Difference by tartanshell - Daredevil/Spider-Man/X-Men - Peter Parker, Hank McCoy, Scott Summers, Matt Murdock - Hank goes through some changes and Peter wants to do something to help his friend. This is even longer than Office Hours, and I adore it. Lots of friendship with some genuine laugh-out-loud moments, this is one of those stories where it shows (in a good way) that the author had fun writing it.

Origin Story by jjonahjameson - Incredibles/Spider-Man - Edna Mode, Peter Parker - Spider-Man saves Edna from a mugging. Edna! She's always fabulous to read.

*The Scarab by BK the Irregular - Buffy/Stargate SG1 - ensemble - A Goa'uld gets the idea to use vampires to try to take over Earth with. Very long and plotty with a good use of both ensemble casts.

*Actualize This by Helena Handbasket - Invisible Man/Sentinel/Stargate SG1 - Darien & Bobby, ( ... )


Re: Pt 3, The Last Part jane_elliot October 19 2008, 04:43:55 UTC
Thank you, thank you! And I'm totally going to take you up on your offer -- pretty much the only SPN fic I read are crossovers (since I'm not a fan of incest or depressing fic, which pretty much just leaves crack in this particular fandom), so I was wondering if you had any more suggestions for the pretty boys:)

Thanks again!


Re: Pt 3, The Last Part coprime October 19 2008, 05:57:06 UTC
I can most definitely do Supernatural crack since that's about the only Supernatural fic I read.

Wildlife by rheasilvia - Saiyuki crossover - Dean and Sam are looking for a kappa. They find Gojyo. This is actually the third in a series of five, but I haven't read the others.

Jack by mute90 - Will and Grace crossover - Jack spots Dean and Sam and comes to some conclusions about Dean. Very funny dialogue.

What Kind of Day Has It Been? by musesfool - Muppet Show crossover - Dean and Sam take a job at the Muppet Show. Watching characters deal with the Muppets and all the weirdness that comes with them is good times.

The Roads of the World and Hero Complex by celli - SGA crossover - Dean as an Atlantis expedition member. Surprisingly, not crack but pretty fun if you don't mind Sam being left behind on Earth.

Of Unconventional Dealbreaking by rionaleonhart - Not a crossover, but I thought I'd throw this in. Dean is changed into a unicorn in order to escape a demonic contract. I laugh every time I read this because, among lots of other things, flowers bloom wherever Dean ( ... )


Re: Pt 3, The Last Part jane_elliot October 19 2008, 06:06:41 UTC
OMG! Unicorn!Dean! You win at everything! Thank you:)


lothy January 28 2009, 00:12:49 UTC

I just read this and it *had* to be recced, everywhere I can think of...

The Longest Three-Week Day by michelel72
Doctor Who x Stargate Atlantis
Another day, another "science conference" gone horribly wrong. For once, Dr. Rodney McKay gets help saving the world... but then Donna Noble remembers. Donna/Rodney, PG, complete at 23,800 words.


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