Photographic Memories CH 3

May 16, 2009 19:18

Thank you to everyone who's been reading! I just hope this all makes sense :-)

Title: Photographic Memories
Pairings: Yoochun/Changmin
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slight Angst
Genre: Drama, Romance
A/N: I can already tell this will be too long for a One-Shot therefore I'm breaking it up into parts. I apologize for any confusion that may arise while reading. It should all make sense in the end.
Summary: Changmin's a Photographer who most want to save.

"Why are your hands shaking?" Changmin whispers behind Yoochun, he chuckles deeply when Yoochun twitches.

"Why are you whispering? We're the only two in here," he snaps and jabs Changmin's stomach in quick retaliation, "and stop breathing on my neck, you're making me nervous," he bites and adjusts the black card board 5 by 6 inches. "Ok, now what?" he asks.

Changmin glances over Yoochun's shoulder to examine his work, "Turn on the enlarger," he instructs and watches Yoochun follow his direction, "now set the timer for 15 seconds," he says and stands back. They wait in silence for the quiet ring of completion.

"Is that it?" Yoochun slides the blank paper from the easel and looks at it disappointingly. "There's no picture," he mutters, "Changmin, there's no picture," he shows him and Changmin's lips form a straight line as he grabs him.

"You broke it," he says, Yoochun looks horrified but when Changmin smiles he wants to kill him.

"You're such an Asshole," he punches him hard on the arm and together they walk towards the elongated sink across the room where 5 trays line the belly, under a dim safe light. Yoochun stands in front of the first tray, Changmin a close distance behind him.

"Go ahead and slide it into the developer," Changmin tells him, watching the smooth penetration as the paper is submerged in chemicals. "Grab the tongs," he says softly and Yoochun takes them between his fingers, "and move the picture around," he instructs. When Yoochun stops after a few seconds Changmin carefully reaches over and envelopes Yoochun's hand with his own, "don't stop," he says beside his ear and watches their hands moving together, agitating the sheet of paper.

They don't say a word and Changmin doesn't move his hand.

He's pressed against Yoochun's body so close he wonders if he can feel his heart beat. His hair smells like soft peppermint and he can hear the melody of his breathing.

"Oh," Yoochun breathes in quickly as the blank paper transforms into the laughing face of Changmin, it's close and takes up most of the frame with his amused eyes and sharp cheek bones, lips pulled joyous into a captivating smile.

If he weren't so embarrassed Changmin would feel completely flattered it was his picture Yoochun chose from countless others, he bites back his smile, "It's been a few minutes," he says softly, "use the tongs and slide the picture into the next tray for ten seconds and keep shaking it around just like we did the last time," he instructs and takes a step back, allowing Yoochun to slide over. He can hear him counting under his breath, when he reaches ten he looks at Changmin for his next step.

"Ok, put it into the next tray, that's the fixer," he points, "and keep moving it quickly," Changmin watches for about 20 seconds, "slow down now," he says. Yoochun does, keeping his eyes on the picture floating lazily about the tray.

"This is really cool, Changmin," Yoochun smiles excitedly over his shoulder, Changmin looks at him and worries about the exhilarating intrusion of prickles that start from his neck, crawling like spider legs over his skin.

"It is," he smiles softly and looks over, "last tray," he tells him, "turn on the faucet and let the water run as you move the tray back and fourth. Four minutes." Yoochun nods and stands quietly, his head bowed intently on his task, his shoulders relaxed under his cotton t-shirt.

Changmin doesn't want to stare at him and he doesn't want to try and figure out the feelings swallowing him. It feels like a spinning web in his chest, forming meticulously around the base of his heart, only likely to get stronger, get tighter before it consumes it entirely. And it frightens him.

It's the first time he's ever let anyone into his dark room, into his developing studio; it's the first time he's ever let another person do something he considers so personal. The developing process has always been therapeutic, a place where he can drown himself in creating life and emotions, a place to capture memories that live with him forever. It's probably the most intimate part of his life he's never shared with anyone, until now.

There just seems to be something about Yoochun, something he's trying desperately to figure out before he goes crazy.

Changmin breaths deeply and walks over to Yoochun, he grabs the sponge from the counter, "Use this to wipe off the drops," he hands it over and walks away to grab some clips.

"It's perfect," Yoochun grins proudly, "I'm amazing," he says and Changmin smiles because he's about 100% sure he's not joking. He waits patiently for Yoochun to finish, appreciates the delicate measures he takes, the slow wipes of the sponge, trying his best to avoid ruining the image, he holds it like it is precious. Just like him.

When he's finished Changmin hands the two clips over and leads him to the other side of the room where wire is strung from one wall to the other, there are other pictures hanging dry, a butterfly expanding it's wings on a leaf, two lovers wrapped in each others arm smiling secretly like they're the only ones in the world, Jaejoong sleeping on Yunho's shoulder while he watches television, hands claps so tight you can feel the radiating love and Yoochun in the park, kissing the girl.

"You are such a stalker," Yoochun says as he hangs his photograph of Changmin to dry and pulls the black and white photo of himself from its hanging. "My god, when did you take this?" he asks curiously, looking at it closely, Changmin flushes completely horrified.

"A long time ago," he grabs it and looks down at the frozen image, he looks at the girl and Changmin realizes he's never seen her since. "Who was she?" he asks before he can logically stop himself.

Yoochun glances over and takes a look, trying to remember. He laughs after a moment, "I have no idea," he admits and Changmin is amazed he can't even bother to remember someone he's kissed.

Dae-Ho was his name.

They went to lake after a party, drunk and careless. Dae-Ho liked boys and people knew it, he also liked Changmin and people also knew that too. Somehow everyone had disappeared, scattered like frightened animals and it was just the two of them, for a long time Changmin wondered if it had been planned and everyone knew but him. The stars were brilliant diamonds in the sky, so close Changmin almost reached out to see if he could pluck one from the dark sea of night; the rippling water illuminated by the shower of moonlight.

As they sat on the dock, feet kicking languidly in the lake, the soft sounds of Changmin's flash their only source of light, he leaned in and told Changmin he was the prettiest boy he ever met, then asked to kiss him.

His lips crushed rough like sandpaper around his, he tasted of beer and cheese pizza and when he thrust his tongue violently Changmin prayed he wouldn't throw up. When they were finished and Changmin felt sick, he took a picture of him to remember his first kiss.

Yoochun calls out of breath and tells Changmin to get sexy and meet him at the new downtown club.

"I'm wearing a jacket," Changmin walks into his closet and turns on the light. He walks to the assortment of pants and pulls out a pair.

"Jackets aren't sexy," Yoochun whines dramatically.

Changmin pulls out a shirt, "It's freezing outside," he compares the shirt with the pants and moves down the closet to his shoes. "If I freeze to death, I'm going to kill you," he mutters and turns off the light as he walks out.

Yoochun laughs beautifully through the phone, "I'll keep you warm," he promises and Changmin can't help the grin that appears immediately.

Changmin stands beside Jaejoong and Yunho trying to control the chatter of his jaw, he imagines various, equally violent, ways he's going to kill Yoochun.

"It's fucking cold," Jaejoong breathes as he shudders, rubbing his hands together for some source of warmth. Yunho curls his arm around him and pulls him against his body.

"I'm going to kill him," Changmin wraps his arms around himself, looking at the very long line in front of them, searching for Yoochun who promised to be there. "And when I'm done, I'm going to bring him back to life and kill him again," he mutters dangerously. "My nipples could cut glass," he says and Yunho and Jaejoong laugh.

Junsu soon joins them and takes off his gloves, handing them to Changmin who thinks they may fall off soon. He can't believe he didn't bring something warmer. He thinks he'll start the torture by taking pliers and pulling Yoochun's finger nails off, one by one.

"Why are you standing in line?" Yoochun asks suddenly and Changmin's throat dries as he stands in front of them in a long black jacket and scarf. Changmin lunges at him and Junsu grabs him before he can punch Yoochun.

"You look cold," Yoochun laughs as he steps away, "it's freezing out here," he obverses and Junsu grunts as Changmin struggles to free himself. "Let's get inside," he motions to them and Junsu only lets go when Changmin promises he won't strangle, punch or kick Yoochun.

They walk past the long line and watch as Yoochun walks towards a man in a black suit. He whispers something into his ear and the man with an ear piece looks at the clipboard in his hand and nods.

"Let's go," Yoochun waves them up and Changmin notices the hand Yoochun keeps on the man's arm.

Inside the music blares and people dance with their arms in the air, their bodies pressed so close you can't see where one starts and the other ends. Yoochun is leading them towards the back when Changmin feels a hand clamp around his wrist.

"Wanna dance?" comes a deep voice, his breath sticky against his ear. Changmin looks at his friends for a moment before turning around and finding a good looking stranger in leather pants and eyeliner. His smile is cunning and he undresses Changmin with his eyes.

"Fuck off," Yoochun appears suddenly and grabs Changmin's hand, tightening his fingers around, he looks furious. He pulls Changmin away but the hand on his wrist tightens.

The stranger smiles easily at Yoochun, clearly unimpressed by the interruption. "I wasn't asking you," he says and looks at Changmin expectantly with a quirked eyebrow.

Before Changmin has a chance to talk, Yoochun lets go and pushes Changmin away as he pulls himself tall in front of the stranger. "Take your hands off of him and back the fuck off," he says so calmly it runs a chill along Changmin's back.

They stand there, staring at each other before Changmin feels the fingers loosen around his wrist and he steps away. "When you lose the chaperone, come look for me," he tells him with a wink and disappears into the crowd.

Yoochun doesn't say anything as he turns around and grabs Changmin's hand. He tries not to smile but when he looks up and the others are staring, Jaejoong grinning like a moron, he can't help it.

Changmin is forced to dance with Jaejoong who grinds into him playfully, Changmin laughs when Yunho snatches him away protectively and Junsu replaces him. Yoochun nurses his drink at the couch and Changmin knows he's watching, when he looks over he sees something dark and greedy, when Junsu starts getting too dirty Yoochun sets his drink on the table and pulls Changmin against his chest.

"My turn," he whispers and Changmin melts.

When they sit on the plush couches, out of breath and sweaty, music pulsating around them and shots of Soju in mid air Yoochun smiles proudly and tells them he sold his first song. They all cheer and drink before hugging him tightly.

"That's fantastic!" Jaejoong holds him close and Yoochun holds on. "I'm very proud of you," he pulls away and brushes his hair from his eyes and when the light hits him perfectly Changmin can see them shimmering with tears. Yoochun blushes and Changmin watches the way he closes his eyes in Jaejoong's embrace, he wonders if the pounding in his chest is from the music.

Yoochun falls beside him as fluid as silk and Changmin grins. "I haven't known you long enough to be proud," Changmin says dismissively and Yoochun glares at him, "and if it's the song you played for me last week. I hated it."

After a while the glare slides away and he rolls his eyes in understanding. "I didn't know it was going to be that cold outside."

"You were wearing a wool jacket and scarf," Changmin says taking a drink from his beer bottle watching Jaejoong and Junsu dancing, Yunho stares hungrily like a voyeur before licking his lips and making his way over.

"Oh, Minnie, can I call you Minnie?" he asks with a slick smile.

Changmin doesn't look at him. "Not if you expect me to answer," he says and spots the man in leather pants in the sea of sweaty, moving bodies.

Yoochun laughs and stands up suddenly, ready to go. "Dance with me," he plucks Changmin's beer from his fingers and pulls him to his feet, pressing him close. "By the way, you look fucking sexy," he whispers in Changmin's ear and it doesn't really matter so much anymore he almost froze to death outside.

"You are totally proud of me," Yoochun tries to walk in a straight line, when he trips and almost falls on his face Changmin laughs loudly.

"You are an idiot," Changmin helps him balance. Yoochun shivers loudly pressing his hands under his armpits. "Cold?" he asks slyly, tightening Yoochun's jacket and scarf around him. It's a little small but the warmth is amazing. It's probably colder than before but he feels no sympathy, even though Yoochun's lips seem to be turning blue.

"I can't feel my legs," he mutters and trips over a crack in the cement. Changmin catches him. "I think you should carry me, I can hardly see straight. Why the fuck are we walking?" he continues to complain and stumble.

Changmin holds him steady, "I spent all my money buying you drinks," he answers, "and cabs don't take credit cards." Yoochun groans.

"Where's your car?" he grumbles, teeth chattering painfully.

"I got a ride from Yunho and Jaejoong, if you hadn't been leading the whole damn club in a drunken electric slide, we wouldn't have missed them," Changmin scolds and Yoochun laughs.

"Oh. Good times," he says and finally stops walking, Changmin stops and looks at him curiously. "You have to carry me now," he says firmly and his eyes are drunk and his face is tight in the cold air. "I sold a song, you have to carry me." The most petulant frown Changmin has ever seen in his life stares back at him.

He sighs, swallowing every snide remark in his arsenal and stands with his back facing Yoochun. He lowers slightly. "Get on," he mutters and really tries to control himself when Yoochun cries victoriously as he climbs on his back.

They walk three more blocks before Changmin finally reaches his house, thankful, his legs feel like they may give away at any moment and he's pretty sure Yoochun is asleep.

He pulls his keys out and opens the door, guiding himself carefully through the door; he walks to the couch and turns around, dumping Yoochun unceremoniously onto the cushions. His shoulders ache and there's a small cramp at the small of his back.

"Are we home?" Yoochun opens his eyes and yawns.

Changmin rubs his shoulders and looks at the clock. It's late and he should go to sleep. "We are at my home," he answers, "want a ride?" he asks, not that he wouldn't mind Yoochun staying at his house, but he has an early photo shoot in the morning.

Yoochun nods and stands up wiping his eyes. "Whoa, this place is huge," he slurs and follows Changmin towards the garage. He looks at all the photographs on his wall and thinks he sees one of a smiling little boy that looks very much like Changmin.

Changmin walks Yoochun to his front door, half holding on to him and Yoochun talks about the next process of getting his music on the radio. "I can't believe it's finally happening," he says softly.

Changmin looks at him, he's content and smiling, it's very real and exquisitely revealing of the side he rarely ever shows, the one that's peaceful and emotional, thoughtful and hopeful. It makes him human.

Yoochun pulls his keys out and holds himself. "You want to come in?" he asks gently and for the first time in as long as Changmin has known him, he looks genuinely hopeful, his smile kind and his eyes are shining brilliantly. It makes Changmin skip a breath.

"I'd love to but I should really go. I've got to wake up early tomorrow," he apologizes, watching the fire in his eyes flicker before burning out.

"It's cool. Thanks for ride," he says, trying to sound unconcerned as he opens the door but Changmin knows his feelings are hurt and it bothers him more than he wants to admit. Before he can close the door Changmin pushes it open and grabs Yoochun's arm.

"Hey," he says and pulls him close, Yoochun won't look at him. "Look at me, Yoochun," he says softly and Yoochun hesitates but bites his lip and turns his face until they stand looking into each other eyes, Changmin tries to breathe normally. "By the way," he says slowly, "I'm very proud of you," he smiles and Yoochun's eyes sparkle back at him adoringly. "Thought you should-"

Yoochun's mouth is softer than he could have ever anticipated, like silk, like the clouds he photographs and they move so tenderly against Changmin's mouth he feels without Yoochun's arms holding him up he may collapse. He tastes of fruity cocktails and mint and when Changmin feels the soft caress of his tongue Yoochun swallows his gasp.

Changmin always kept a photo album of his ex boyfriends in his bookshelf, a reminder of what he could have and what he didn't want.

When he broke up with Tae-Yung he threw everything he ever bought him away and took the thickest marker he could find and scratched CHEATER, across his face.

|CH 2| |CH 4|

k-pop: fan fiction, yoomin

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