(no subject)

Nov 25, 2007 14:42

Some quick angst before I leave for work.

Title: Strung Along the Wire
Rating: Pg13
Pairings: Bennet/Mohinder
Spoilers: Set after 2x09
Summary: “But I want to hear it,” and when Bennet spoke it was as if the icecaps wouldn’t melt. “From you.”

“You sound surprised.”

The cold coffee in his half-empty ceramic glass made a nauseous reminder of the way blood looked on dirty gray concrete, splashed over the pristine white rim to blot the twice-folded napkin he’d used as a coaster when he sat down. Like brown stains on hospital sheets and the smell of old sweat and antiseptic. Mohinder swallowed.

“I didn’t think that you would find me again,” he said, and lied, falsities echoing beneath the unintended shudder in his breath. “I suspect I would be the last person you’d want to see.”

“And normally you would be right, but today I have other reasons for contacting you.”

The silence that settled between them was demanding. Like a salty hiss over telephone wire that had Mohinder’s mouth feeling uncomfortably dry, until it was broken when in a voice smooth as glass, “Why did you do it?”

“We both know well enough why I did what I did -”

“But I want to hear it,” and when Bennet spoke it was as if the icecaps wouldn’t melt. “From you.”

His thumb ring chimed softly against the handle of his cup when Mohinder picked it up autonomously, bringing it up to hover away from his mouth. He didn’t drink, pursing his lips on the irrational fear it would taste too much of iron. “You couldn’t see the larger picture of what I’m trying to accomplish.”

“Is that how you justify it? My ‘agenda.’”

“Your agenda was to kill anyone who stood in your way. While I was left to fend for myself, trying to stop a plague.” His voice was a little more vicious than it should’ve been, just for good measure. It was getting far too easy to do this, anyway. “Then yes, when you put it like that, that is my justification.”

“I was protecting my family - ” The force in the words made Mohinder flinch inwardly. With the intake of an inaudible breath Bennet swallowed down, collecting himself. Icecaps. “I did what I had to do. You know that.”

“I do. As I did, too. But I have other obligations.”

“They’re playing you, Mohinder. Coddling you until you’ve served your purpose.” His brow creased in something like concern, voice slowing, almost softening at its edges. “And then they’re going to cut you loose and turn their backs, and you will be defenseless. You’re not safe with them.”

“I know that.” The words were tighter than Mohinder had intended them to be, an admission of defeat caught in the mouth of his glass. “I’ve tried to work on my own before and people died because of it. Good people…I can’t allow for anyone else to pay for my mistakes.”

“They will kill you - ”

“And I hope I can complete my research before it comes to that.” A sigh. “But I would rather play puppet for Bob right now than do this on my own.”

“You were never alone.” The caution in the curl of the words made Mohinder think of sheets and old sweat, but for entirely different reasons. “I told you that.”

“I wish I could’ve believed that then. We wouldn’t still be here would we?”

Mohinder wanted to hear him say ‘No,’ or something else that could help him stitch this shut, but instead Bennet said nothing, voice dissolving into silence. Mohinder closed his eyes.

“It was your idea. The blood.”

“Yes.” The waver in his voice was undetectable. At least that was what he hoped.

The inevitable question does not come, replaced by a shushing sound. “I have to go.” It was courtesy, but Mohinder was thankful for it regardless.



“I’m sorry.”

“…So am I.”

The line cut off with a click. Opening his eyes to stare into his half-empty coffee cup, Mohinder snapped his cell phone shut.

heroes, bennet/mohinder, fanfiction

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