flisters, this is important

Sep 18, 2010 02:34

If you are a member of ohnotheydidnt, please reconsider your membership.

ONTD has gotten so huge that LJ took on a staffer to deal with the community. That would be brenden, ONTD editor.

He is known for being a jerk in general, but in a recent news post, he crossed a line. Full stop.

He was the first user to comment on the news post, with a .gif to support the content of the post. He then logged out, and proceeded to log into a sock puppet account, from which he harassed, verbally abused, and straight-up trolled LiveJournal users who did not support the content of the post. Evidence (copies of e-mail notifications) from one user has been posted here.

As an LJ staff member who was caught actively trolling LJ users, brenden has received no consequences, and other LJ staff have failed entirely to comment on the incident, and the sock puppet's comments have been deleted from the news post. This despite clamorings from many users (myself included) for some sort of repercussions.

Indeed, if anything, brenden was rewarded: the sock puppet's account was given a vgift for a good comment on a news post, which had very suspicious timing. In addition, the mobile version of LJ has gotten a facelift very similar to the one given to the LiveJournal homepage recently and which we all protested, heavily featuring communities, particularly ONTD.

If you are a member of ONTD, even if you just lurk and never comment, this is the system you are condoning. This is the system you are supporting.

ranty pants

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