This log is fail. [Unfinished]

Dec 02, 2009 00:33

Who: Kurt, Russia, Latvia, America, and anyone else involved in the 'beating'.
Where In Kurt's room, first floor, room 10.
When: Right after receiving the 'heads up' from Austria.
Summary: Russia exists and is harassing one of America's citizens. In return, America will make sure Russia's nose stays broken.
the Story: ( Comin' again to save the mother fuckin' day! )

kurt hummel, austria, russia, latvia, america

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Comments 38

/PUNCH IT'S NOT FAIL sunflowersunday December 2 2009, 06:01:21 UTC
Meanwhile, Russia is currently mid-swing for yet another blow upon Kurt. He doesn't want to kill him, really. That would take more effort than Russia deemed Kurt was really worth. Just as he told Kurt, he just wants to get the point across that you don't insult my scarf and it's so much easier to answer questions directly when asked. So Russia just spent the last five minutes locking Latvia in the closet while lazily smacking Kurt with his pipe ( ... )


/KICK YES IT IS idkmybfftony December 2 2009, 06:39:33 UTC
...What the hell. Seriously. Then again, America's learned to not be surprised by anything in this place anymore. Especially with Russia involved.

Every time Russia smiles, God kills a kitten. Obviously, this injustice only added to the situation. Kurt is bleeding. And Russia isn't bleeding enough.

And America is pissed. Though he might be smirking, because honestly, Americans love wars. Especially ones they know they can win. since they never lost fuck you Vietnam

"All I see is one of my citizens injured." A gun is out and pointed in Russia's general direction. Now how to hit him without getting Kurt caught in the cross fire.

"I do believe this is a declaration of war on your part. And I would appreciate you letting him go before I retaliate."


/BITE FALSE, BLACK BEAR sunflowersunday December 3 2009, 04:12:25 UTC
It's okay, America. They were capitalists kittens. And I'm more of a dog person anyway.

Russia, meanwhile, is amused by the whole situation. He looks completely unperturbed by the gun. Russia loves death, he says 'bring it on'. He is a demon long dead with nothing else to lose.

"Funny, isn't it?" Nope, he's definitely not pulling Kurt in front of him to shield his vital regions, not at all. "There is a limited number of your citizens here, yet you feel none of the effects of young... Kurt, was it?"

He tilts his head forward, bangs follow forward to shadow his eyes. "It seems that if I want to hurt you, I will just have to be more direct."

In one swift motion, Russia grabs Kurt around the waists, picks him up--he's almost as light as Latvia!--and chucks the kid over his head. Oh, he totally knew the bed was behind him the whole time. Totally. He never would've done that if it hadn't, right?Of course not ( ... )


we always end up beating the crap out of each other in our subjects what is that idkmybfftony December 3 2009, 04:26:05 UTC
Dogs are not meant to be corrupted by communism! The movie is 'All Dogs go to Heaven', not 'All Dogs Rot in a Red Pinko Hell'!

Normally, this would make babies cry. Maybe even hardened soldiers. Too bad America's like, the only fucking nation ever who isn't scared of Russia. Weirded out? Yeah, sure. Russia's pretty psycho.

America's eyes narrowed. No, he's not going to mention that. Then again, maybe it was something like Santa Claus? If you believed in him, he existed. Maybe his nations didn't believe in him hard enough?

Or maybe it's the mansion.

..Actually, his way sounds more correctable, so he'll go with that.

"Who says that I don't?" He lies, but he doesn't care. Russia's too stupid to tell he's lying anyway. He aims his gun, and very slowly squeezes the trigger...

Russia throwing Kurt completely catches him by surprise, and his eyes widen, taking a few steps forward. "Kurt!" He can't see the bed, as Russia's landmass is in the way. Fuck. He wants to make sure he's okay, but he can't leave Russia another opening to attack ( ... )


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