And remember that one loves life, life...

Jun 11, 2009 00:00

Who: Oswald (seekthebird) & VERY MUCH OPEN
Where: Behind the mansion, near the woods
When: After the Queen's post and when all the memories go back to normal
Rating: G?
Summary: Oswald spent four days believing he was awesome, his fairydad loved him/wasn't dead, and there was a huge party waiting for him back in Ringford. Now he's really cranky. Beating on ( Read more... )

hidaka ken, kronk, hong kong, oswald

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Comments 7

thatll_work June 11 2009, 08:07:47 UTC
Somehow, the last event had completely passed Kronk by. Not that he was unhappy about that, of course-- but really, one had to wonder if it was his own natural obliviousness protecting him from these more mentally invasive incidents...

In any case, sitting around in the kitchens wasn't going to get him anywhere productive, so he had started to take to strolling around the perimeter of the Mansion grounds, dressed in a neat, pressed little uniform he'd simply found hanging in the closet

So far, the forest resisted any and all attempts to have a trail marked through it. Sometimes, the trees moved around. At other times, the white chalk marks Kronk made on their trunks disappeared entirely. Whatever the case was, something was obviously not taking kindly to the idea of having the forest plotted out, but Kronk woke up every day with cheerful, newfound determination to get it right this day.

Like now. But approaching the forest, something struck him as rather off, and he slowed down from his brisk jog, watching with round eyes as some ( ... )


fireworksntea June 11 2009, 08:09:29 UTC
"But your past will stay with you." He stood a couple of feet away, watching Oswald. Not that he had intended to, but he had been walking by and there was nothing to do in this place... So he had stopped, observing his fellow inmate. "It always does."


THREEWAAAAAY o9 o9 o9 seekthebird June 11 2009, 20:12:11 UTC
Oswald spun around with surprise, sword raised defensively on instinct. He didn't like being caught off guard. The knight scowled, watching the stranger suspiciously.

"Who are--"

And he was interrupted yet again by a blaring whistle. This time he just sighed, directing his glare toward the new-newcomer while keeping the first one in his line of sight.

"The tree will grow back," Oswald replied dryly. "Unless you're volunteering to become my new opponent, I suggest you mind your own business."


wcn_siberian June 13 2009, 00:34:16 UTC
((Jumping in then. :) ))

Well, that was certainly a new way to take out your anger. Ken personally preferred people to trees, but that was a bad thought. A really bad thought. The assassin shook his head, forcing out the fact that he'd almost admitted to liking killing. It wouldn't have been easy to get rid of, but the sudden crash of a tree hitting the ground typically did a good job of ridding the mind of all extra thoughts.

Ken dropped to the ground from his own tree a good distance away. Any person who could chop a tree in half just like that was someone Ken really didn't want to tangle with unless he had to. Getting sliced into two pieces wasn't an appealing way to end a fight, spar or otherwise. He may typically jump the gun and get involved in things that were way over his head, but Ken wasn't quite that stupid. Swords that could cut through trees could easily cut through bodies. Plain and simple. Of course, that didn't stop him from wandering over to see what type of person could wield such a badass weapon.


thatll_work June 13 2009, 02:33:35 UTC
The man folded his arms, shaking his head. "Hey, your hair grows back when you cut it, but that doesn't mean you should!"

... Wait. Wrong analogy.

"Uhhh, hang on." Muttering to himself, Kronk appeared to drop back into thought, scratching his head as he tried to think of a slightly more. Appropriate simile.

He also conveniently missed the part where he was being threatened with grievous bodily injury.


wcn_siberian June 12 2009, 16:12:58 UTC
((I know you already have two other people, but does anyone mind if I join too?))


seekthebird June 12 2009, 16:14:24 UTC
(OOC: Well, it does say "VERY MUCH OPEN", so sure, go ahead! .D.b)


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