Entourage Fest Take 2

Feb 01, 2009 02:01

Always wanted to know what it'd be like if E and Vince were in a rock band? Think they'd look hot in prison orange? Want to explore what the world would be like if Turtle were the famous one?

The second Entourage Fest Take 2: The AU Edition is now accepting prompts! You dont have to write a story to share your ideas. So leave a comment on this post with all your Entourage alternate universe/reality ideas from the crazy to the conservative.

We welcome both one word prompts like cowboys but we also want your more complicated prompts such as The boys are in a rock band, Vince is the lead singer/guitarist, Johnny's the bassist and Turtle rocks the drums. E's their manager and Ari's a record exec.How do they handle life on the road?. The more you come up with, the more there is to chose from. In the end we'll take all your ideas and when sign ups open, you can pick the one you want to write.

Sign ups begin Valentines Day, February 14th so get those prompts in as soon as possible.

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