Sickbay/McCoy's office - Day 43

Nov 18, 2010 23:18

Christine had a bad habit of keeping things from herself, namely things like just how okay she wasn't. But today she was going to let herself in on a little secret so she could slap a few metaphorical bandaids on. Insecurities, with her, were running too deep these days. And she was still so tense from assorted happenings in her weeks aboard the ( Read more... )

timeline: day 43, !nonmission post, character: m'ress, location: med bay, character: scott, character: chapel

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Comments 19

transwarp_beam November 19 2010, 04:36:11 UTC
The quiet in the empty medbay was broken by cheerfully tuneless whistling as one off-duty chief engineer wandered on in, holding a paper bag. He was quite optimistic about the contents of said bag. It had taken some careful sweet-talking of the replicators, but he thought it had worked out very well in the end. Not spying a certain head nurse in the medbay proper, he headed for the office.

He paused in the doorway, slightly derailed by the sight that greeted him. Okay, not quite what he'd been expecting. After a moment it occurred to him to knock on the doorframe. "Alright there?"


nurse_cchapel November 19 2010, 04:42:56 UTC
Her pose held up well enough to the knock. The particular accent that was checking on her made her wobble a bit, though. "Uhh..." With that incredibly eloquent answer, she hopped her feet to her hands and straightened, doing it a little bit faster than she usually would. Because she usually didn't have the Chief Engineer for an audience.

"Yeah, great. Hi." A breath to settle herself again and Christine smiled, quickly letting her eyes check him over. "I don't see you bleeding anywhere today, Mister Scott."


transwarp_beam November 20 2010, 19:52:28 UTC
"Amazin', eh?" he replied cheerfully, stepping inside. "Best no' jinx it though. There's still a few hours left in th'day."


nurse_cchapel November 22 2010, 03:43:53 UTC
"Of course," she said with a laugh, squatting to roll up her yoga mat. Well, Leonard's, technically, not that he'd ever use it. It was still a gift to him in theory that she used far more than him. "What can I help you with, though? Since I'm sure you didn't just stop by to show off your lack of mortal wounds."


comm_cat November 19 2010, 06:17:19 UTC
When M'Ress arrived in Sickbay, she found it surprisingly empty. Many times she had delivered dispatches to Dr. McCoy, always to find the place bustling with activity. Briefly, she wondered if there were specific hours of operation, like at a Human doctor's office. Admittedly, this was a less usual time for her to visit, after her shift was done. That didn't make much sense, however. Humans had a strange reverence for scheduling, but she'd never heard of them planning their injuries into specific slots of time.

Unsure of the situation, she thought it best to announce herself instead of investigating. She rather wanted to, as Caitians were curious folk, regrettable metaphors aside. She did not want to be thought of as a sneak if the Sickbay was supposed to be closed. "Hellooooo?" she crooned. The Human greeting was one of her favorite Terran words to pronounce.


nurse_cchapel November 22 2010, 06:05:38 UTC
"Just a moment, M'Ress," Christine called out, having indentified the purring tone immediately. She took a moment to rise herself from her pose, then moved out into the main area of Sickbay, adjusting her hair as she went. Approaching the Caitian, she gave a bright smile. "Hey, what can I do for you?"


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