Sickbay/McCoy's office - Day 43

Nov 18, 2010 23:18

Christine had a bad habit of keeping things from herself, namely things like just how okay she wasn't. But today she was going to let herself in on a little secret so she could slap a few metaphorical bandaids on. Insecurities, with her, were running too deep these days. And she was still so tense from assorted happenings in her weeks aboard the Enterprise that she could feel the tension in her body. Honestly, she didn't understand how people not in tune with their bodies could even move when they were tense. She eased off the yoga for a few days, or went a week without slipping any of her dance shoes on and she felt stiff from it.

Which was probably why she so felt the need to kill two birds with one stone on some shifts at work. This one, for instance, found her in the CMO's office, the CMO himself not being around, looking out on a more or less empty Sickbay from the office floor. She was on the floor because she was currently in the downward dog pose of the simpliest sun salutation, about to walk her feet forward into the triangle pose. She kept her breathing deep and even, letting herself connect to the space that was not her office but one she frequently used anyway. And more importantly, letting all her stupid stress and insecurity float away and go to the airvents to die.

timeline: day 43, !nonmission post, character: m'ress, location: med bay, character: scott, character: chapel

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