I drove through In-n-Out for lunch today, and the girl at the window asked me if I still played viola. I answered yes before really registering the question, and then I realized she somehow knew me, but I had no idea who she was. I figured she must be from high school, with orchestra being a strong possibility, but the class was never that large, and I didn't recognize her at all, nor was her name ringing any bells. We talked just a little as I waited for my food, and she said she'd seen my sisters not too long ago, and knew they went to Pepperdine.
So I asked my sisters when I got home, and apparently she was in their grade (two years below me), was in orchestra in jr high (as was I, but I would have been in high school when she was there), and possibly the district-wide GATE Orchestra. I did GATE for 6 years, so that's the most likely connection.
GATE was much larger than the high school orchestra, and met just once a week, so there were few people there that I knew well. But I thought I at least knew the people in it who were also from my high school, so I'm still not sure why I'm drawing a blank when it comes to this girl.
09 | favorite howard scene
Sweet Bernadette. Howard's not usually one of my favorites, but him singing is hilarious. (And I'm psyched that Bernadette will be back this season, cause I really liked them togther!)
10 | favorite raj/howard scene This probably isn't a Raj/Howard scene in the way the question was intending, but while trying to find something this is my favorite so far... Their little "
get back on the horse" discussion in the season 3 finale had me cracking up the first time I saw it.
01 |
favorite season02 |
favorite reference03 |
favorite caltech scene04 |
favorite hallway scene05 |
favorite cheescake factory scene06 |
favorite penny’s apartment scene07 |
favorite guys’ apartment scene08 |
favorite raj scene09 | favorite howard scene
10 | favorite raj/howard scene
11 | favorite leonard scene
12 | favorite parents scene
13 | favorite sheldon scene
14 | favorite penny scene
15 | favorite sheldon/penny scene
16 | favorite jim parsons picture
17 | favorite kaley cuoco picture
18 | favorite kunal nayyar picture
19 | favorite simon helberg picture
20 | favorite johnny galecki picture
21 | favorite cast picture
22 | favorite minor ship
23 | favorite major ship
24 | favorite minor character
25 | favorite major character
26 | favorite quote
27 | favorite guest star
28 | favorite rivalry
29 | favorite friendship
30 | favorite episode