Boosting the Signal

Nov 05, 2010 08:54

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Comments 9

going_not_gone November 5 2010, 14:04:22 UTC
Signal? I'm not seeing a link to anything....


enigmaticblues November 5 2010, 14:17:29 UTC
*sigh* I swear I embedded it. Fixed now, and it's well worth a watch.


going_not_gone November 5 2010, 14:25:52 UTC
I've actually seen this in a couple of places--it's gone viral. I love how serious he is while repeatedly calling the guy a douchebag.


copykween November 5 2010, 14:30:05 UTC
LOVE this! Watched it earlier and literally LOL'd.


kungfuwaynewho November 5 2010, 15:53:58 UTC
Sigh. I love him so much.


sp23 November 5 2010, 16:06:41 UTC
I love George Takei and his outspokenness, however, in this instance, I think his message would have been better and stronger if he had refrained from name calling and just pointed out the douchebaggery without actually naming it or made the rent boy comment.

Still. Love him. :-)


brunettepet November 5 2010, 16:15:12 UTC
His delivery is fantastic! I have never heard the word douchebag said so seriously.


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